I've played eso pve solo and group pvp cyrodil, but have never done any pve group play. I don't know where to start. My character is a vr16 DC sorc w endgame vr14 gearing -- just got back into the game and leveled up and am eso plus subscribed... but am at a deadend for content being solo, ya know?
Do I need to study up youtube vids on dungeons then try group finder/pug groups? Should I be trying to do the daily group missions, or go into imperial city, or start w the region group dungeons (do the drops scale up to vr16? or should I be running them regardless for practice?) Will I need to respec from dps to something more survivor-mode if I plan on pug'ing it?
I work 3 nights a week, eastern us timezone, so I usually play late night and early morning, which makes funding a guild difficult. It would have to be a large guild to have actives on that late.
Constructive advise pls, and would be appreciated. Thx.