There have been a lot of polls trying to gauge people's opinions about which class/build is the most powerful in PvP. From these polls the consensus has been Stamina Nightblades and Magicka Sorcs.
So if we do a direct head-to-head between these two frontrunners, what I want to know is: what is your build? Do you play the same class/build as the one that kills you the most? Do you play the other powerful build? What is the interplay between the two most powerful builds? Is "overpowered" just relative? Obviously I don't expect the results to tell us the whole story... I just want a little more depth than the usual "what class is most OP" without regard to the class/build of the person answering the question.
Ideally I would like to make a poll with 64 options (choose from the 8 major class/build combos for yourself, then do the same for the class/build combo that kills you the most) but since that's not possible I am going to narrow the focus to Magicka Sorcs and Stamina Nightblades, and your experience either playing as them or being killed by them, with some broader categories serving as the catch-all "other" type answers.
Edited by MisterBigglesworth on January 26, 2016 3:27AM Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
Stam NB vs. Mag Sorc 74 votes
I'm a Magicka Sorc. Stamina NB kills me the most.
I'm a Magicka Sorc. Magicka Sorc kills me the most.
I'm a Magicka Sorc. Something else kills me the most.
I'm a Stamina NB. Stamina NB kills me the most.
I'm a Stamina NB. Magicka Sorc kills me the most.
I'm a Stamina NB. Something else kills me the most.
My class/build not listed. Stamina NB kills me the most.
My class/build not listed. Magicka Sorc kills me the most.
My class/build not listed. Something else kills me the most.