So, we finally got information on the Thieves guild, and Scrolling Combat Text is confirmed. Now, I have two problems with the trailer and information we have seen.
First, is why is SCT not in the trailer? I'm sure console players would love to see HOW the UI change actually works.
Secondly, what is included in SCT? Are we going to have buff and debuff timers? In late 2015, Zennimax confirmed that TG would include SCT AND Buff/debuff timers. Also, are we going to get damage meters (dps trackers)? It doesn't have to be as intricate as PC, but a show of your DPS/HPS would be really appreciated for those of us trying to min-max and increase optimization in trials. Hopefully, buff/debuff trackers at the very least are included in this patch with SCT.
The only positive I took from the trailer is the UI feature seems to have an on/off button, since many players have been complaining that if console gets add-ons it should be with an on/off. I personally, will be making use of the UI feature, but the lack of information regarding it is astounding. And yes, I know we will get more in the coming weeks, but this has been a long time coming and we need to know what exactly we are getting so we aren't disappointed when PC gets the update and we come to find out that there is less than initially thought.