Currently you can wear any combination of set's or crafted weapon's and still gain the set bonuses from each weapon. Even though it is impossible to have both main and secondary weapon active at the same time.
For instance you can do the following:
-You can wear 3 agility weapon's, 1 main + 1 off hand and 1 secondary. You will still retain the 3 set bonuses on both bar's.
-You can wear any 3 crafted weapon's and only 2 set piece's to gain full effect of the five piece bonuses, even though you only have 4-3 equipped at one time.
It is intended to work this way after these DLC's? This bring's forth ton's of new combination's of set's etc. However this also increases the amount of stat's one could achieve before this was possible.
Many people have already found out that this was possible as well and have started to
abuse/use this combination.
Many people say this may be a UI bug but i just want to clarify this with you guy's. What's the deal here?
Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on January 21, 2016 9:55PM