Please be constructive in this thread,
so that it will not be closed as all the others...
On console launch, PvP was acceptable.
Later, with each patch and new network components, the lag got worse.
Today, the lag on consoles is unbearable with such results:
- game becomes a slideshow
- skills often do not work at al
- skill bar changes are ignored
- mounting often does not work at all, or people suddenly dismount
- graphics often are missing, sometimes people get stuck in loading ground textures
- game crashes often or has long loading screens
In the current PvP lag state, only DPS + one-button-mashing is reliable.
Skilled group fights, depending on single button presses, became impossible.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So why does it get worse with each patch?
ZOS already gave us one reason: Increasing CP calculations demanding too many server ressources.
Therefore, please turn off the CP system at once in PvP, please.
Anything to improve the terrible lag is crucial so that PvP can survive now.
Other reason: Even simple buttons bar swaps need to be confirmed by the server. This is because some skills change the state of the player. Unfortunately, this interesting PvE design seems not compatible with lag-free PvP. If crucial button bar swaps are ignored by the server which is overwhelmed by one-button-mashing players, the entire skill system becomes a lottery. A lottery in which only one-butting-mashing wins.
To make the crucial button bars work reliable in mass PvP again, please either
- redesign the skill system for PvP so that buttons bar changes can happen remotely
- OR have different button processing queues on the servers with different priorities.
Suggestion: Button bar changes should have higher priority than other key presses and should always work, please.