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How to prevent instant death from people in stealth?

Hey guys,

I recently returned to the game and after a few nights in Cyrodil I'm noticing a trend with my inevitable deaths.

I prefer to try and stick either in the middle of the group and run some heals + shields on my resto bar if I'm with a big group, just as I'm probably more useful that way than as a DPS right now because I just have no clue what rotations to use.

Most of my deaths are instant, or 2-3 shot.. and always from stealth. I think it's mostly NBs that I get killed by, at least I'm assuming it's NBs that are able to go stealth, then do damage and immediately go invisible again, and again..

How are you supposed to counter that? One of the biggest things I'm trying to get used to in this game is being aware of stealth attacks, but also being able to read enemy attacks, which right now I have no idea. But I don't know how I'm supposed to counter a V16 NB that comes out of stealth, hit's me twice instantly before I even know he's there, and I'm dead... Unless I'm expected to walk around with hardened ward up 24/7.

The PvP is a lot of fun still in ESO, it's still funny as hell sitting atop a tower blasting my fire ballista towards a big group of enemies while they're distracted fighting with my Alliance, and I just watch them burn to a crisp.

But when I'm on the ground away from the safety of those castle walls, I'm super vulnerable and I'm not even close to being able to win a 1 vs 1 against a half decent player.

One last thing... I tried to get away from a group of 3 the other day because I ran near them, or a little too close by mistake... I did have some good range, and it looked like I was out of range to be honest, but one guy used this sort of red attack to snipe me off my trusty lion from a mile away... Is there no way of countering that? I couldn't CC break fast enough and streak anywhere before I was dead anyway.
  • strikeback1247
    Also stay in stealth.
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • Johngo0036
    Radiant mage light helps alot
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • RadicalSpirit
    Johngo0036 wrote: »
    Radiant mage light helps alot

    I used to see people using this in the early days of the game on PS4, but now I rarely see anyone with it.

    Is it just a case of better skills being slotted instead?

    But yeah, the main thing is NBs being invisible, attacking you and then disappearing again. I watched 1 NB vs a group of 4-6 yesterday just keep going invisible and getting off attacks before someone eventually managed to kill him.

    I think the main thing right now is, how do I prevent all that burst damage from stealth without walking around with Hardened ward up all the time, is it only Magelight that can help with detection?
  • smacx250
    Radiant Magelight is very helpful due to the following:

    The mote also reveals hidden or invisible enemies, prevents being stunned by stealth attacks, and reduces damage from stealth attacks by 56% for you and nearby allies.

    The reduction of the stealth damage and stun prevention goes directly towards helping prevent the 1-shot - for you and your allies.
  • joker0137
    What I hate is when your running through Cyrodil and an invisible enemy attacks you. Everyone else around you runs by like nothings happening and they don't want involved. So one enemy sits and picks off 2-3 players at a time because no one tries to help. I'm not skilled enough to take them out but at least I try. I wish in this game, players would band together more to help each other and destroy all enemies. Rather than running back and forth to easy spawns point, chests and farm areas.
    It just be nice.
    Just A White Line Nightmare

    PS4 EU server
  • RadicalSpirit
    I actually had a similar situation happen yesterday.

    I was invited to a group in IC Sewers, mostly V16s, and I am a fresh faced V1 with no real idea what I'm doing, so I'm just following them , healing, trying to kill and not get killed.

    They ganged up on this DC player who was invisible trying to pick off stragglers, and he waited to revive for at least 20 minutes, some of his friends kept coming to try revive him.

    So I did my patented "Weak pushup" on his dead characters body... about 2 minutes later I get one shot, one of his friends in stealth must have been watching me for a while or something, and the others just sort of stood there looking at him before they realised.

    I think I lost like 700 of those Stones, and I heard a guy in my group say "Damn I just got 1200 stones off that guy" when they killed the guy that killed me, which imo.. is a sh*tty mechanic... the whole transfer of stones thing.
  • joker0137
    Yeah its really tough to take sometimes, especially if like me you don't got there to often and have no idea whats going on at some points!
    Just A White Line Nightmare

    PS4 EU server
  • WillhelmBlack
    Literally nothing if you have low health. Magelight is great but with damage at its highest it's ever been, I have found that doesn't work either. Having shields and magelight up 24/7 is the safest bet but it shouldn't be like that. No one should be able to kill you in 1.5 seconds in an MMO with 4 classes.

    As Cyrodiil is 80% NB's hopefully damage from stealth gets a heavy nerf in an upcoming patch.
    PC EU
  • RadicalSpirit
    joker0137 wrote: »
    Yeah its really tough to take sometimes, especially if like me you don't got there to often and have no idea whats going on at some points!

    PvP is still fun, but the NB invisibility thing just feels extremely cheap.

    I'll have to slot Magelight on my resto bar or something.
  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    Unless I'm expected to walk around with hardened ward up 24/7.

    Yes. If you're literally just walking around, keep it up all the time. It should never drop, if you're fighting and loose the shield - reapply it immediately.
    Edited by r.jan_emailb16_ESO on January 19, 2016 11:36AM
    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • RadicalSpirit
    Literally nothing if you have low health. Magelight is great but with damage at its highest it's ever been, I have found that doesn't work either. Having shields and magelight up 24/7 is the safest bet but it shouldn't be like that. No one should be able to kill you in 1.5 seconds in an MMO with 4 classes.

    As Cyrodiil is 80% NB's hopefully damage from stealth gets a heavy nerf in an upcoming patch.

    Yeah I've been killed by 99% NBs so far, and I think one Dragonknight when I was on my mount.

    I played DCUO for a few years and at a high level too, but I don't recall there ever being an invisibility skill and huge damage from stealth...

    All the big damage in DC you still had to know the base mechanics to even use the move, and the other guy would know you were there. There was no, cheap hidden kill.
  • shepardTHEweak
    big nord DK tank with over 30k each resistance and 35k health (ish) and i get sniped from stealth and cc'd and cant break out of it or use my deflected scales and the attacking nb knows this so continues to snipe me from stealth till im dead..its becoming a everyday thing now
  • joker0137
    I'll be the first to admit that I really don't play PvP all that much, so it makes sense that I get killed a lot. I'll okay with that because that's how I'm going learn.
    However its kinda kills the good game buzz when you are trying quite hard and a blind shot from a unknown source, form an invisible enemy. You don't even get a chance to fight back or at least feel as if you tried.
    But my main cause of in-game "frustration" is ridding your horse for 10 to 15 minutes straight, heading right for the epicenter of the war, mayhem and chaos, then just as you get there... you get stabbed, killed and tea bagged.
    Then the best bit, having to spawn all the way back to where you started so you can do the big long horse ride again!
    You end up thinking "I'd rather not do that pointless horse ride again" realize there isn't really anything else to do, so you end up leaving.
    Just A White Line Nightmare

    PS4 EU server
  • Lore_lai
    They ganged up on this DC player who was invisible trying to pick off stragglers, and he waited to revive for at least 20 minutes, some of his friends kept coming to try revive him.

    So I did my patented "Weak pushup" on his dead characters body... about 2 minutes later I get one shot, one of his friends in stealth must have been watching me for a while or something, and the others just sort of stood there looking at him before they realised.
    IMO you kinda deserved to be ganked.

  • NativeJoe
    Okay as a person that has played a mage for a while and does do a bit of pvp in streaks I can say it has to do with your build. You cannot take a typical pve build in pvp and expect to go against the best of the best. You have to do unconventional tactics and pack expensive potions like immovable potions or stealth detection.

    Point blank you cannot win the dps battle vs a NB because he already starts out with an advantage against you from the surprise attack. (and yes I suggest you create a build to directly fight them)

    Skills you wouldn't use in PVE...but could find really useful in pvp are:

    Greater storm atronoch instead of meteor

    Volitile familiar (u can activate the explosion even if your stunned and it can prevent alot of macro'd combos+ it stuns)

    Velicious curse+ impending detonation can be absolutly lethal

    restraining prison can be used to destealth and drain stamina NBS/dks

    Defensive rune can be used to give you extra time to react and create distance between u and the enemy as well as heal up

    Energy overload to regain mana and toast anybody without a reflecting skill or perma dodge.

    Mages wrath or the other morph, Remember the dot, if the enemy falls below 20% for the next 4 seconds it will detonate and most likly take your enemy with them. more then enough time to get a crystal frag off to proc it. (think of interesting combos with this like velicious curse+impending detionation+mage's wrath+crystal frags)

    Boundless storm to find those pesky NBs and chase them down when they panic and go into dodge rolling run mode

    Streak.... This skill stuns, creates distance, and combined with daedric mines can create some awsome combos...expecially in space restricted places like sewers or on cyrodils bridges/keeps

    Scorching flare...for NB's that simply cannot stop stealthing. lol

    Reviving barrier, for combating the NB's that think slotting shield breaker and spamming light attacks makes them pros

    My personal favorite "Destructive clench' fire staffs act exactly like ranged wrecking blows, and every version of staff gives a stun and dot. very useful for getting the NB to worship the floor if crystal frags isn't up.

    Tangling webs- Decent magical dps, u can get the drop on many characters because most don't even react when being hit with it because it's white, and almost no one uses it. AND if you got a buddy... the synergy causes fear and 2 pets to emerge...they're not going to kill your enemy but because most people don't use tab targeting the nearest enemy infront of you will eat the ultimate, which more often then not is the spider :expressionless:

    obvious straight for skills like force pulse+crystal frags are great...but they're over used and everyone has a strategy against it.

    There are alot more skills you can think of as well... Vampire skills, werewolf, fighters guild, undaunted, mages guild, and hell...even slotting a none optimum weapon to gain the gap closer or use the wrecking blow can be a very effective strategy... u just have to start thinking outside the box. Think of what the NB is thinking when he suprises you and is stunned to the ground by a defensive rune, eats two wrecking blows in a row so rolls back only to be cursed and cystal fraged, then rushed again and wrecking blowed.

    Law of julionos is a great pve set. but thats what it is. pve.
    1 destro staff and 2 swords is a great meta for pve. Consider 1 resto 1 destro, or 2 destro etc.

    In pvp use something else then your standard pve sets.... The more suprises you have for the enemy, the more u take away that 1 shot advantage...the more fear those nb's are going to show. Throw them off guard with your unconventional build, and once you have them creating distance and rolling back and dropping into stealth you can eat them for breakfest. And that is really the key to victory. NB's have to be put on the defensive.... their offensive is just to damn good in this meta.
    Edited by NativeJoe on January 20, 2016 12:20PM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Volkodav
    Literally nothing if you have low health. Magelight is great but with damage at its highest it's ever been, I have found that doesn't work either. Having shields and magelight up 24/7 is the safest bet but it shouldn't be like that. No one should be able to kill you in 1.5 seconds in an MMO with 4 classes.

    As Cyrodiil is 80% NB's hopefully damage from stealth gets a heavy nerf in an upcoming patch.

    Dont Nerf NBs,..just remove the invisibility thing,or make it to where there is a wide cooldown between usages.So that it cant be spammed back to back. I play an NB and I can see that the abuse of invisibility isnt a good thing to have to deal with.
  • puffy99
    No one should be able to completely one shot someone then disappear with no penalty.
    That is a broken mechanic and until it is fixed then everyone will be NB's.
  • mike.eso
    puffy99 wrote: »
    No one should be able to completely one shot someone then disappear with no penalty.
    That is a broken mechanic and until it is fixed then everyone will be NB's.

  • Decayed_Inside
    Leave NB alone until after DB then nerf it if you want. Don't ruin it until then lol it's the only class that fits the dlc at all.
  • leepalmer95
    Mikmak wrote: »
    puffy99 wrote: »
    No one should be able to completely one shot someone then disappear with no penalty.
    That is a broken mechanic and until it is fixed then everyone will be NB's.


    It's true though.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
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