Alchemy V16 potions

Does anyone know if there are existing potions for V16 rank? If so, how are they called and where can I get those?
I only acquire in Orsinium Lorkhan Tear's, and those are V15.
Jimerio / Magicka Sorcerer / PvP & PvE / Master Crafter(Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Provisioning, Enchanting, Clothing) / DD & Heal / CP560+ / Aldmeri Dominion / PC / EU
  • xericdx
    V15 is the max you can get (same with provisioning).

    Hopefully Alchemy will be given some love and we will be able to differentiate drop potions from special crafted ones...again hopefully with distinct colors.

    ..But I doubt that they are going to ever add a V16 potion (or food/drink)
    Primo Aldouine (MagSorc), AD
    Kro'zuc Primo (StamDK), AD
    Primo Leyla, MagDK, DC
    Primo Salazar (MagPlar), AD
    Leyla Softpawn (StamBade), AD
    Shaz Primo (MagBlade), AD
    Marcus Primo (MagDen), EP
    Elonthor Primo (StamDen), AD
    The Red, MagNecro, AD

    You like housing?! We have the place for you: Tamriel Homes Guild! Contact me for info (in-game ID @xericdx) or visit our website
    PC EU
  • Jimboo84
    xericdx wrote: »
    V15 is the max you can get (same with provisioning).

    Hopefully Alchemy will be given some love and we will be able to differentiate drop potions from special crafted ones...again hopefully with distinct colors.

    ..But I doubt that they are going to ever add a V16 potion (or food/drink)

    Yeah, I hope it too.
    But it's weird way of working because you have everything in V16, also V16 Enchanting, and in Alchemy it isn't. Or I didn't found it yet. In Provisioning I'm not skilled, so not aware of that part :smile:
    Jimerio / Magicka Sorcerer / PvP & PvE / Master Crafter(Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Provisioning, Enchanting, Clothing) / DD & Heal / CP560+ / Aldmeri Dominion / PC / EU
  • Asayre
    Reference for any calculation I make Introduction to PvE Damage Calculation
  • xericdx
    Thanks @Asayre !

    ... Still, I hope they will add it in one patch so people without addon can see the potions I'm selling :)))

    Primo Aldouine (MagSorc), AD
    Kro'zuc Primo (StamDK), AD
    Primo Leyla, MagDK, DC
    Primo Salazar (MagPlar), AD
    Leyla Softpawn (StamBade), AD
    Shaz Primo (MagBlade), AD
    Marcus Primo (MagDen), EP
    Elonthor Primo (StamDen), AD
    The Red, MagNecro, AD

    You like housing?! We have the place for you: Tamriel Homes Guild! Contact me for info (in-game ID @xericdx) or visit our website
    PC EU
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Jimboo84 wrote: »

    Yeah, I hope it too.
    But it's weird way of working because you have everything in V16, also V16 Enchanting, and in Alchemy it isn't. Or I didn't found it yet. In Provisioning I'm not skilled, so not aware of that part :smile:

    VR16 in enchanting, like crafting gear, was introduced just for the grind in IC. Getting materials is a bit better now there's Wrothgar, but getting VR16 runes (in worthwhile numbers) is still a question of grinding TV stones in IC.
  • ShadowscaleSithis
    Asayre wrote: »

    This is awesome, but I am not at home so will probably forget about this addon haha
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