Been playing BDO for some time now.
One of the amazing things about the game is the combat system. Especially the way "cool downs" work on some abilities. Now before you all jump the gun saying we don't want cool downs, hear me out on how it works. You can still use the ability even if its on cool down. Very much like how cloak works now, but with a animated cool down timer like cloak has of say 4 seconds. The ability if used within the first 1 second aka spamming said ability results in a 75% damage or time reduction. If used 2 seconds into the cool down is a 50% reduction etc etc. Now Cloak is meant to do just that, but at current time You can still stay in cloak almost indefinitely. But what if this was added to all known abilities with the exception of heavy and light attacks using left click or hold left click. Spambush for example if used within 1 second of CD you don't get the stun or root effect and hits for 75% lest etc im sure you can see where im going with this. Alternatively the DK and my personal fav, the charge spam for the twohander.
All abilities could then in theory be balanced a lot better and the combat can be made into the more tactical combat that it should be. If this works as well as it does in BDO would it also not help with the issues with zerging, as 5 steel tornado spamming would be as useless as *** on a bull. Also it might help with the lag issue, caused by all these same ability's being spammed in the one location.
Also remove animation canceling, although it is nice to let off so much damage in less time than it took for the WTC 1 & 2 to fall this should be removed IMO. Code can be added so that if, left mouse click or right mouse click or ability (A) or (B) is used before the timer of Ability (1 AKA first ability used) has finished with the animation. It automatically cancels the damage on the ability to zero. This would equate to longer more tactical battles in pvp, yes it would mean heals will need a over hall, but the cooldown theory could also be applied to the heals also.
Its not that you cant use the ability at will, but doing so while on cool down has diminishing returns that will be hurtful to you as a player.
Wrecking blow.
Shields (Maybe)
Twohanded Charge attack.
Biteing jabs.
Steel Tornado.
So may of the abilities that people complain about would IMO be dealt with, and would also make the bow only builds much more viable again.
Most will say this will not work, and in some cases im sure it will need much more thought put into place. But i have seen this work very effectively in BDO over the months of play time on the Korean servers. It also mean that fixes on the deves side can sometimes be as simple as shaving .2 of a second off the cooldown timers or adding .2 of a second. Which equates to dev time spend on fixes will go towards the content that the pve players yearn for.
*Shudders* pveeee. Think some just walked over my grave :-)
NB Shashu of DC
DK William x Wallace of DC
In game
"i Thought i was poor having no shoe's, Until i saw a man with no feet"