Mac10murda wrote: »Use Wb into dragon leap
I do already, what im saying can a dragon knight ability replace it. Its more that i dont like it as an ability and i dont like my main bar full of 2h abilitys . So i was thinking maybe molten weapons may come close to the damage but i have no sight of numbers
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Coined by Maxwell
So i normaly tank and do some pvp but i want to do more when no raids on however i hate WB but still wish to use a 2h , i just want to know can I switch this out for molten armaments and still hit hard with heavy attacks? ( i know wb would prob hot harder) .Im on ps4 so carnt see the numbers of my Wb - it says 9.5k on the unbuffed weapon.
leepalmer95 wrote: »Problem is s+b isn't viable on a console with the bash button using the block button as well you have no resources.
Even using just the interrupt button on PC it still stops stamina regain as it's still considered to be blocking. The input action is just combined to a single button.
leepalmer95 wrote: »
You can rebind it though can't you.
Problem on ps4 is that you have to hold block first then bash, even that 0.3 seconds or so you have to hold it kills you regen, if someone hits you or such your stamina just goes.
If it was 1 button that would be great but if i'f fighting someone and they hit me when i go to bash my stamina just goes.
DW is generally better for more weapon damage, another set piece and access to the best AOE in the game. If you're going to use 2H main. WB is you're best damaging skill as a DK, there is no way around that. WB even feeds into using Molten/Igneous by Empowering the heavy weaves.
RadicalSpirit wrote: »
Is that steel tornado?
Hands down Steel Tornado is the best AOE in the game.
RadicalSpirit wrote: »
What about the Magick one? I forgot it's name but I'm sure it's either a Mages guild move, or a destro staff move, it's a magicka based AoE.
I haven't played in months so no idea what it's called off the top of my head.
RadicalSpirit wrote: »
What about the Magick one? I forgot it's name but I'm sure it's either a Mages guild move, or a destro staff move, it's a magicka based AoE.
I haven't played in months so no idea what it's called off the top of my head.
Even using just the interrupt button on PC it still stops stamina regain as it's still considered to be blocking. The input action is just combined to a single button.
Its actually NOT .. if you are using some addon that displays your current buffs/debuffs you will see that if ou bashi using RMB+LMB there is a moment when you have the regen debuff active, while when you use keybing for "breakfree" which makes bash as well the debuff doesn't appear .. I did a lot of testing to confirm that ...
If it was the way you think is is, LA+Ransack/Heroic Slash+bash (the basic animation canceling combo) would not be so viable as it actually is right now