ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »Seems like I recall people mentioning the head dev, Rich Lambert I believe, saying that spellcrafting and housing were being worked on, but gave no indication of when to expect them. But with ZOS's track record, don't be surprised if they never happen.
So, i was curious (still since soon after launchabout spellcrafting... Does anybody have any knownledge when/if it is coming? Has there been any talk about necromancy? How about player housing? Horse racing and other minigames that are "Outside" of normal gameplay? New lands? Loading screen removals? Sailing perphaps? Etcetc...
Just asking because i have been awway for a extended periond and i am curious about hhow things are going..
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »Seems like I recall people mentioning the head dev, Rich Lambert I believe, saying that spellcrafting and housing were being worked on, but gave no indication of when to expect them. But with ZOS's track record, don't be surprised if they never happen.
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »Seems like I recall people mentioning the head dev, Rich Lambert I believe, saying that spellcrafting and housing were being worked on, but gave no indication of when to expect them. But with ZOS's track record, don't be surprised if they never happen.
Just curious, what is their track record on not releasing stuff they said they would? (Not talking about time lines, but actual content they said they would, but never did.)
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »Seems like I recall people mentioning the head dev, Rich Lambert I believe, saying that spellcrafting and housing were being worked on, but gave no indication of when to expect them. But with ZOS's track record, don't be surprised if they never happen.
Just curious, what is their track record on not releasing stuff they said they would? (Not talking about time lines, but actual content they said they would, but never did.)
Quite good in my experience, many promised things have allready made their way to the game like Wrothgar, justice system (First part), new armor styles, Some crafting improvments, tweaked animations etc...
It might not be as fast as some people wish or what other games do but they do deliver the most of the time...
Spellcrafting is one of those things that has taken very long now... There are few videos about thart stuff as well and while it has now been almost 1.5 years they first talked about it, i am pretty sure it is coming ta one point, rather (MMO) sooner than later at this point.. Horse racing was one thing they at one time, said could be one possible minigame in the future and it sounds really great but who knows what will actually happen.
Spellcrafting will not be coming in 2016, they said that in the most recent news post.
IF the other part of justice system is not coming i would be extremely disappointed.. Again.. I clearly remember that when it was released, they clearly stated that it will be released in stages and the other part with PVP will come after the first part is honed to work perfectly...
It was clear that it was intended to be released in 2015 but then again, that was before b2p model (Which i still loathe them for).
If there are currently 2 things they need to implement soon, they are Spell crafting and justice system finalization to the promised PVP set where you can either be criminal or be one that hunts them...
Naturally implementing these two clearly promised as sure things to happen would be right thing to do... However these things are stuff that is hard to sell on the Crown store and thus, DLC content like Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild.. New quest zones.. Costumes and costume dyes.. These are the things that can be sold to players and make up the money they lost when they converted to damned B2P model.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »I think spellcrafting is on hold for very obvious reasons people:
1) The development team probably wouldn't release everything immediately because they need to have something to sell and keep excitement going through the life of the game. This is a common issue with all mmo's, but ESPECIALLY f2p or b2p or whatever you want to call it MMO's.
2) They are releasing a lot of stuff this year that takes up a lot of developer time. We're just coming off of Justice System, Imperial City, Wrothgar, and now Thieves Guild is around the corner. If I recollect I believe Housing was supposed to get a start with Thieves Guild but I could be misremembering that one. Dark Brotherhood and mephalas realm is supposed to becoming next. We have the Argonian Black Marsh map as well coming up. That is a LOT OF CONTENT! This all takes time, management, and comes with different waves of Crown Store sales.
3) The Champion System and all the current skills still need to have better balance and they know it. Why would they tack on a system larger than all the skills combined to a system they don't have full grips on yet. I think the answer is obvious: They won't. I could foresee them trying to think forward to how the skill changes will apply to the new system, but that is another issue entirely.
4) The developer who was originally working on the Spellcrafting system is no longer with the company.
I'm not a doom and gloom kind of guy so I don't really think them holding off to release something is quite the same as them slashing and burning the development that went into Spellcrafting. Its a great idea and it really fits the TES series, so I fully expect them to release some iteration of that concept at some point. It is pretty obvious to me though that they weren't going to release it immediately, and they probably don't talk about it much in large part because they're trying to market the products that will be coming out the hopper within the next year.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »I think spellcrafting is on hold for very obvious reasons people:
1) The development team probably wouldn't release everything immediately because they need to have something to sell and keep excitement going through the life of the game. This is a common issue with all mmo's, but ESPECIALLY f2p or b2p or whatever you want to call it MMO's.
2) They are releasing a lot of stuff this year that takes up a lot of developer time. We're just coming off of Justice System, Imperial City, Wrothgar, and now Thieves Guild is around the corner. If I recollect I believe Housing was supposed to get a start with Thieves Guild but I could be misremembering that one. Dark Brotherhood and mephalas realm is supposed to becoming next. We have the Argonian Black Marsh map as well coming up. That is a LOT OF CONTENT! This all takes time, management, and comes with different waves of Crown Store sales.
3) The Champion System and all the current skills still need to have better balance and they know it. Why would they tack on a system larger than all the skills combined to a system they don't have full grips on yet. I think the answer is obvious: They won't. I could foresee them trying to think forward to how the skill changes will apply to the new system, but that is another issue entirely.
4) The developer who was originally working on the Spellcrafting system is no longer with the company.
I'm not a doom and gloom kind of guy so I don't really think them holding off to release something is quite the same as them slashing and burning the development that went into Spellcrafting. Its a great idea and it really fits the TES series, so I fully expect them to release some iteration of that concept at some point. It is pretty obvious to me though that they weren't going to release it immediately, and they probably don't talk about it much in large part because they're trying to market the products that will be coming out the hopper within the next year.
and also ZOS first needs to fix the lag in cyrodiil. you know what a mess will spellcrafting do in the state of PVP now? people are getting huge lags even when spamming regular AOE skills now. If they would spam the spells obtained by spell crafting ("greater bigger spells" I hope), that would render cyrodiil totally unplayable now.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »Spellcrafting is probably not happening at all. Part of the reason given why it was "on the back burning", is because they hadn't figured out how to implament it without breaking things, (like the game itself). With the DLCs they have planned, eleminating VR levels, etc, I doubt the devs will ever find the time or resources to figure out spellcrafting.
kyle.wilson wrote: »There would be no easy way to implement a spell crafting system. I think that it was floated as a possibility doing a discussion, but on closer inspection it would not work.
The stamina based classes, would whine about not having a similar system in place for them.
Because I don't see how you could have a stam based spellcraft.