ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »
Other changes to IC are going through their design phases now and we'll have more details on those when the time comes. The changes are directed at making districts more meaningful to Imperial City itself and Tel Var stone acquisition rates are being looked into.
From a previous thread:ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »
Other changes to IC are going through their design phases now and we'll have more details on those when the time comes. The changes are directed at making districts more meaningful to Imperial City itself and Tel Var stone acquisition rates are being looked into.
Any ideas about the acquisition rates? Are they currently too high or too low?
Lord_Draevan wrote: »It's a shame, I want to do the Main IC quests but most aren't soloable and no one's playing anymore... even on NA prime-time when it's a 3-way pop lock there's never more than 20 or so people there per faction, and most of those are sewer grinding. It's become Craglorn 2.0.
"You want to quest in the Imperial City? Too bad, it's forced group content but no one plays it anymore, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Cervanteseric85ub17_ESO wrote: »Lord_Draevan wrote: »It's a shame, I want to do the Main IC quests but most aren't soloable and no one's playing anymore... even on NA prime-time when it's a 3-way pop lock there's never more than 20 or so people there per faction, and most of those are sewer grinding. It's become Craglorn 2.0.
"You want to quest in the Imperial City? Too bad, it's forced group content but no one plays it anymore, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Ummmm none of the quest in IC require a group at all. So no forced group content except for the two dungeons they added, but dungeons have always required a group. Believe it or not this is the easiest time since the DLC was released to do the questing, as much of the commotion has died down. Imperial City is the best DLC ( well out of the two we got so far)content we have got to date so far. My only gripe is the should have stuck with the original need your home keeps to have access to the city, that would have tied the zones together and made controlling cyrodil actually matter.