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How to *slow down* the leveling?

I know my question may sound weird to some who like to grow, grind and move on, but I'm playing this game for the love of Elder Scrolls, Tamriel and immersion of the fantasy universe. Growing up fast, seeing things in a hurry, endlessly running and finishing early is not my type of a game. I want to play for weeks, months and years. Look around every corner. Slow.

Considering that my character has only visited and did the quests in Glenumbra, Stros M'kai and Bethnik island and is already at the end of level 17 got me a bit worried, since ESO has 50 character levels + special veteran levels. I feel like I'm barely scratched the surface of the game, but my character has already reached 34% of those 50 levels.

So I have a few questions:

1. Does the leveling slow down as you go forward, in terms that it needs a lot more quests and a lot more effort to level up? Like in Skyrim, it's harder and harder to reach each new level, especially when you cross the higher levels?
2. Do enemy NPCs of all regions level up with you? What would happen if I discovered a distant place with level 20 NPCs, then go back, do quests and return to the same place as level 30 character? Would they stay at lvl 20 or move on? Basically, I'm concerned that my place "discovery" permanently leaves those NPCs at my current level.
  • Arshiya
    I think it does slow down as you make progress. But npcs scaling? I don't think so.
    I am well aware that there is no need to feed that often. I just want to. Amy.
    Otherwise I play on PC platform on EU.
  • strikeback1247
    Remember that 1 veteran level takes 850k exp. You won't be worried anymore when you hit those vet levels :^)
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • Shunravi
    1. Veteran levels are going away, but with them it feels like hitting a wall or a very steep slope when you level them. However, they are going to be replaced with the champion system, and that is not only going to last a while for leveling, but has scaling once you reach a cap so it is harder to level them...

    2. Npcs are scaled to the zone they are in. Nothing you do can change their leveling. They do however have battle leveling in wrothgar and cyrodill that will boost your stats to face the zones challenges.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • maboleth
    Wow, thanks for fast answers. :)

    Well, I'm kind of glad that veteran levels are going to be replaced with something better, because as you said, even though I never reached them, they are still the limit.

    If NPCs are scaled to the zone, and are always like that, does that mean that I could easily travel the Tamriel and discover NPCs with 30,40,50 levels as a 17 level character? That's great.
    Edited by maboleth on January 8, 2016 9:43PM
  • Shunravi
    maboleth wrote: »
    Wow, thanks for fast answers. :)

    Well, I'm kind of glad that veteran levels are going to be replaced with something better, because as you said, even though I never reached them, they are still the limit.

    If NPCs are scaled to the zone, and are always like that, does that mean that I could easily travel the Tamriel and discover NPCs with 30,40,50 levels as a 17 level character? That's great.

    With cp, i think you really will enjoy them. We dont quite know what things will be like when vet goes away, but a good analogy i think for cp is fine tuning an instrument. You will be able to unlock small passive bonuses a bit at a time, and its bound to your account, so any new characters you make can use them too...

    And, yes. For instance the fifth zone of each aliance, you will find npcs arround the lvl forty range.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • maboleth
    Sounds exciting! Do you know when the removal of VP and improvement of CP will be added, is there a plan or date?
  • Shunravi
    This business quarter I believe. I do not think you will reach them by the time it happens regardless. Just explore, have fun, there is a good amount of things to do.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Nestor
    maboleth wrote: »
    Considering that my character has only visited and did the quests in Glenumbra, Stros M'kai and Bethnik island and is already at the end of level 17 got me a bit worried,

    Actually, your not that far ahead of the game. I think the mobs end up at 14 at the end of the first zone. And, since Exp drops off as you over level mobs, and if your 5 levels over, you get no mob experience, then the game will take care of things for you in that regard.

    If your really worried, then just skip some of the side quests and save them for when you reach VR Ranks. Quests give VR experience even if your doing L20 quests, and more importantly, give you Champ Points. I got a bunch of Champ points going back and completing some leveling zones quests that I pretty much skipped on my Templar as she was leveling faster than the zones.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • SnuggleMePlease
    What is CP? Granted, I am still fairly new, but this is the first I'm hearing of it.

    Edited by SnuggleMePlease on January 8, 2016 10:57PM
    "Heavy-bearded Y'ffre, speak through me. Tell us of the time before time. Let the story grow in me. Let my heart echo to the pounding of your feet along the story-lines, the bones of the world. I will walk Your steps, and know Your story."

    SnuggleMePlease - NA - AD
    Green Prophet of Bosmeri Pride
    Esmira Oakenwreath
  • Shunravi
    What is CP? Granted, I am still fairly new, but this is the first I'm hearing of it.


    Champion points. It's going to replace the current post 50 leveling scheme. It works by assigning points you earn from xp gain to small passive boosts (per point).
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • maboleth
    Of course. I'm enjoying the game 1000%. I'm glad some of my worries have been addressed and I will no longer think about them. Thanks everyone. :)
  • maboleth
    Just one more thing - what will happen with those 16vet enemies? Any info how will those NPCs level once Zenimax takes out the vet ranks?
    Edited by maboleth on January 9, 2016 8:33PM
  • davey1107
    Maboleth - one additional comment. Your problem can kinda be self-solving. ESO has a built-in mechanism by which you stop earning XP for monster kills significantly under your level (something like 5 levels, but this varies). You can tell you're not earning XP in a zone when monsters aren't dropping anything but leather (they can always drop leathers...it's when gear and gold stops that you know).

    Additionally, quest rewards are zone-leveled. Zone 1 (Auridon) offers tiny XP rewards for quests. Completing a quest there when you're level 45 will barely nudge the dial.

    Therefore, to really slow down the experience, look up the zone levels (which are evident based on what level monsters you're encountering). When you've just barely out-leveled that zone (southern Auridon will be out leveled when you hit lvl 10-12), go back and play the heck out of it. Why play when the kills are easy and you're not leveling? The quests can still be fun, and there are a lot of achievements to be had. Want the color and achievement for killing 200 zombies? As a lvl 20 go find a pit of lvl 15s and slash away.
  • maboleth
    Good tips Davey! Thanks.
  • Tyrion87
    davey1107 wrote: »
    Maboleth - one additional comment. Your problem can kinda be self-solving. ESO has a built-in mechanism by which you stop earning XP for monster kills significantly under your level (something like 5 levels, but this varies). You can tell you're not earning XP in a zone when monsters aren't dropping anything but leather (they can always drop leathers...it's when gear and gold stops that you know).

    One more question: While killing mobs that are more than 5 level lower than me, do I gain no XP (for next level) only, or do I gain no XP for levelling my skills too?

  • maboleth
    ^ I think you don't gain anything. Which is quite logical, you already "proved" yourself that you can defeat them without thinking, hence no "improvement" in the skill.
  • WatchYourSixx
    @maboleth , I am really good with math and numbers so here's some numbers for you :)

    ESO has 24 zones. Of those 24 zones, 5 are starter islands, 15 of them are about the same size, cyrodiil is *** massive, and craglorn, coldharbour, and wrothgar are pretty big too. There are 5 "main" zones for each alliance for 15 total.

    In those 15 zones, you have 6 delves per zone, 6 world bosses, 16 skyshards, 1 public dungeon, 1 group dungeon, 20ish lorebooks, 6 locales, and 40-60 quests. Not to mention 3 dark anchors, and many different cities/towns. Each city/town can have anywhere from 1-2 houses (or none) to 30-40. Now not everything is explorable, some are maybe barred, or blocked off, or just not able to be accessed. Just putting some things in to perspective.

    Now assuming you do everything I listed above, for just the 15 zones, and assuming you read every quest.. you easily will have close to 800 hours of gameplay. (may or may not be an exaggeration, but that is how I played, and by the time I went through 15 zones worth, I had 800 hours of gameplay.. and that was WITH rushing through quests after a while.)

    That isn't including the other 9 zones. It takes a long time to travel across cyrodiil, especially if you don't have a maxed out horse. Craglorn is kinda hard for soloing, but it depends. Wrothgar can be accessed at any level, but I wouldn't suggest it unless you have your feet underneath you. (at least some experience)

    With all of that being said, theres over 1000 quests in the game, over 300 skyshards, and loads and loads of other things to get involved with to enhance your gaming experience. You may feel like you are flying at having all of glenumbra done, but I am sure you missed at least a couple of things I mentioned above for that one zone alone. Assuming you are completely done with Glenumbra though, you still have 14 alliance zones to go! In the original iteration of the Vet ranks, it would take roughly 1 vet rank per vet zone, with 10 vet zones total. Then there was 2 new vet levels added for Lower Craglorn, then 2 more for upper craglorn. XP required and gained in vet ranks have increased, so that isn't so much of a grind.. but it still takes a long time.

    Anyways, I hope this helps you understand that you haven't even scratched the surface of the game. :) I am glad to have run across your post as I was bored waiting for ESO to patch. Good luck, and have fun!
    Edited by WatchYourSixx on January 11, 2016 8:12PM
    The only thing to fear is, fear itself. - FDR

    CP 800
    PC NA

    - Maximus the Marksman (AD) Temp
    - Rex the Unstoppable Force (DC) DK
    - Sodor Dragonfire (DC) DK
    - Masha'Dar Shadow-Paw (DC) NB
    - Magnus the Mage (DC) Sorc
  • maboleth
    A good read
    @maboleth , I am really good with math and numbers so here's some numbers for you :)

    Anyways, I hope this helps you understand that you haven't even scratched the surface of the game. :) I am glad to have run across your post as I was bored waiting for ESO to patch. Good luck, and have fun!

    It was a good read WatchYS! If your math is good, then it says I will enjoy this game for quuuite a while. :)) Considering that I'm playing Skyrim for 4 years and STILL didn't see everything, especially not on Solstheim, it'll be a blast. All good!
    Edited by maboleth on January 12, 2016 5:09PM
  • Tyrion87
    Yeah, I confirm - for me this game will never end... I'm from EP and I've been playing since March 2015. As for now, I'm still in the second zone of DC territory (cadwell's silver) and I haven't yet set my foot on any of the AD zones! It is still so much for me to see in this game :smile:
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