Hi, just wondering which race should I pick for my Sorcerer Stamina and I want to heal with critics. First came to my mind Khajit, but then I was thinking if I need the 8% critic or maybe not because I can cap it in some other way (that I dont know).
If that would be the case, that I can reise my weapon critic in some other way to a high %, then which race comes next?
Orc? Redguard? Imperial? or should I play a Khajit because the critic racial is sweet and stamina, regen, etc I can get it also by sets, etc.
I'm very confused... my personal opinion and the conclusion I get doing maths is Khajit because of the critic chance... and I think it over and over and is very good the critic %.... but my problem is I really hate Khajit, I can not see em, I can not get inside of the skin of a cat really... the *** also is, im already started one, Im lvl 8 but i did the quest of vampire, I mean, I'm vampire already, etc.. start again is like pfffff.
Anyways... help pls.
Edited by teladoy on January 8, 2016 5:05PM