Looking for a guild

Hey all

I'm relatively new to the game, currently breton level 25 healer in Daggerfall Cov. just finished my first dungeon with randoms so I kinda got the hang of it..

Looking for a laid-back, fun atmosphere, a group of open minded, mature people.. a clan which is about fun..

I really don't have friends in the game so I'm usually soloing content.. I'm looking people to quest and pvp with as well..

Thanks dudes and dudettes..

GT: Mubzi Ali
Edited by mubzander on January 7, 2016 7:43PM
  • SJD_Phoenix
    Hey, Which alliance are you from?

    We at British Mercenaries are Daggerfall. We're mostly a casual guild with some relatively serious players around that like to impart advice on the rest of the guild.

    I'll make sure an invite is sent to you tonight, join in guild chat 1 and get involved :)
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