Changing trait ability

Crafters that capped a proffesion and finished all the researches for that proffession should be able to unlock the ability to change traits on items!!!
Give us an ultra-rare material that will be used towards that purpose from maxed crafters...

This would give crafting a whole new meaning, It would rejuvenate the market, it would FINALLY stop people from crying about the RNG looting system, it would stop the endless item farming which not only give pleasure to people but extremely irritates them considering there are people out there who after 2 years still search for a specific X item cause they dropped it 10 times in well-fitted...
  • Lucky28
    I've been thinking about this myself. would solve so many problems with RNG.

    Having a passive and/or item to alter the trait on equipment would be great.
  • wayfarerx
    Pretty much everyone wants this, but the grind to get something besides well-fitted is a major factor in how the RNG drops work in this game. I doubt we'll see ZOS introduce this anytime soon :(
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
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