Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Yes well I know about vigor, that's why the idea is do something different.
Like the guy over me said:
Vigor is nice but will just get you killed in the thick of battle, when it is absolutely imperative that you keep dealing damage and critting to get that self heal.
That is what I'm searching for dont need to stop to heal, just rush like a crazy and crit, crit, heal, critc and do tons of dmg.
Otherwise I can play DK or NB stamina and that's it.
But the think is, not waste my time doing something that will do the ridiculous... has to be competitive and viable and that's why i need to know if the heals wills sustain or are terrible.
No, my idea is not come close from behind. Is just fight, use wrecking blow or maybe any other stamina base skills, that I believe with a high chance of critic sometimes should crit and heal me.
Is that my theory wrong or it can work?
Wait, shields can't be crit???????
I would recommend to start it. IT is a very fun class with a very unique and aggressive play style. But don't grind it to VR16 wait till they remove VR system and you will not feel frustrated if you end up not liking the class.Planing start a new Sorcerer stamina and I was wondering if this skill really heals, considering if I would have a good amount of weapon critic and critic damage and if for example it would critic using wrecking blow, normal attacks or any other skill.
The other option is forget my idea and continue smashing asses with my NB stamina, using surpprise attack, rally, etc.
Thanks for your support! we see us in IC! :_(
willymchilybily wrote: »it'll work with a normal stam build nothing special required to get good crit, your'll likely fullfil most requirements by just playing normally.
- 30 champion points into the ritual 12%
- full medium armor for wind walker medium armor passive 21%
- Theif mundus stone 12% + full divines on legendary gear16.78%
- base crit chance 10%
- go khajit 8%
- Precise on a 2H or 2x 1H weapon up to 5% to 7%
- With a Bow or 2x 1H daggers equipped 5% - not relevant to WB spamming.
- likely using 5 piece hunding's rage any way so an extra ~6%
pick and chose as many as you want. My one piece of advice. Put champion points into mighty over precise strikes, go for a ratio around 1 into precise for every 8 into mighty
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Stamina sorc with Crit Surge, Rally and Vigor can be quite tanky.
You do need a decent amount of crit to assure to get healing, luckily its very easy to get high crit with stam builds.
Just having high crit wont be enough though, you also need high weapon dmg to increase crit dmg and surge heals.
The issues with stam sorcs is that you often get healing from surge when you're dealing dmg with full health.
When they're put on the defensive and stop doing dmg and they become very squishy.
The best stam sorc I know is Feng Rush, he has great build videos on Youtube