Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
I think it is meant to aid in mobility. Not be a "get out of any situation scot free".
Given the amount speed, mobility, stealth and teleports available to the NB class, I think any further buffs need to wait until at least after the next DLC drops. They are very strong right now and need no further buffs.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
And honestly, Nightblades are lacking the real mobility and elusiveness that rogue types get in other games. There is no true back line assassination then dipping out with ESO Nightblades.
I think it is meant to aid in mobility. Not be a "get out of any situation scot free".
Given the amount speed, mobility, stealth and teleports available to the NB class, I think any further buffs need to wait until at least after the next DLC drops. They are very strong right now and need no further buffs.
We have a gap closer, cloak, and shade. That is the limit of our "mobility." Our gap closer puts us on the enemy's face, cloak is in fact not mobility at all and is easily countered, and shade is buggy and often unreliable. Also the range is short for open world Cyro combat. You're exaggerating.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
ESO's biggest problem with stealth is that it is spammable. GW2 and most other mmo's have skill cooldowns which make it much easier to balance those skills. Strong skill? Bigger CD. Easy.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
ESO's biggest problem with stealth is that it is spammable. GW2 and most other mmo's have skill cooldowns which make it much easier to balance those skills. Strong skill? Bigger CD. Easy.
Most MMORPG have larger bars than ESO too and that's why cooldowns work without any problem there. Having sapmmable skills is needed here as well as animation cancel. Cooldowns will only slow the game.
The problem right now, even with cloak, is not that it is spammable, it is the infinite resources you can get with certain builds
This is not the Gap Closerd it's the Teleportation morph from the Shadow linelolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »It allready has a greater range than any gapcloser (apart from take flight), how much more do you want?
I think it is meant to aid in mobility. Not be a "get out of any situation scot free".
Given the amount speed, mobility, stealth and teleports available to the NB class, I think any further buffs need to wait until at least after the next DLC drops. They are very strong right now and need no further buffs.
We have a gap closer, cloak, and shade. That is the limit of our "mobility." Our gap closer puts us on the enemy's face, cloak is in fact not mobility at all and is easily countered, and shade is buggy and often unreliable. Also the range is short for open world Cyro combat. You're exaggerating.
You have the only gap closer in the game that can do elevations. Not too mention has no minimum range and is technically a teleport. It "puts you in the enemies face"? I don't understand. Functionally, Teleport Strike is the best gap closer in the game.
You have several sources of major expedition in your class skills. Templar for example, has none.
If you find shade to be buggy and unreliable then why are you pushing for a range increase/elimination? You should be asking for a bug fix.
I think you need more time playing DK or Templar if you find NB mobility to underwhelming.
a range increase would be too strong - if it is not combined with a los check (you have be able to see your entire shadow to port to it).
Shadow image is one of my favourite skills, so I know very well how it works.kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »This is not the Gap Closerd it's the Teleportation morph from the Shadow linelolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »It allready has a greater range than any gapcloser (apart from take flight), how much more do you want?
All I'll add to the conversation is that you can currently cast shade, take like 3 steps forward, Ambush onto an enemy, and be incapable of poofing back to the shade because you've passed its range... >.> Boooooo
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Shadow image is one of my favourite skills, so I know very well how it works.kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »This is not the Gap Closerd it's the Teleportation morph from the Shadow linelolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »It allready has a greater range than any gapcloser (apart from take flight), how much more do you want?
What I ment is the following: At the moment the gap created by shadow image can only be countered by take flight (and even that only when the nb doesn't use los to his advantage), since all other gap closers have a shorter range. If you wound increase the range even further, so that no skill could be used to counter it, it will probably become too strong.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
ESO's biggest problem with stealth is that it is spammable. GW2 and most other mmo's have skill cooldowns which make it much easier to balance those skills. Strong skill? Bigger CD. Easy.
ESO was suppose to have strong skill=more Magicka, but that has been thrown out the window, especially when soft caps got removed.
I think it's stupid that there are detect pots that nullify a NB's stealth ability completely, but that is the necessary evil of stealth that is spammable. There are no levels of stealth, you are either invisible or you are not. Consequently the counters are going to shut it down 100% also.
Incidentally are you referring to Portal from GW2 or the Thief Sword mainhand #2 ability Shadow Return?
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
ESO's biggest problem with stealth is that it is spammable. GW2 and most other mmo's have skill cooldowns which make it much easier to balance those skills. Strong skill? Bigger CD. Easy.
Most MMORPG have larger bars than ESO too and that's why cooldowns work without any problem there. Having sapmmable skills is needed here as well as animation cancel. Cooldowns will only slow the game.
The problem right now, even with cloak, is not that it is spammable, it is the infinite resources you can get with certain builds
The spammability and infinite resources go hand and hand. They are inextricably linked.
Shadow Step ( has a return action so you drop it then do whatever and then u can use it to teleport back to where you used it. and Shadow Trap was the other ability when stepping on it would allow you to teleport to who ever stepped on it. Both of these abilities had a range of 40,000 if i recall? Which is almost an infinite range. You could easly use something like that from castle to castle in cyro.
GW2 had my 2 frav "rogue like" Abilties.
A trap on the ground that teleported you to it and made your invis when someone stepped on it. and also a Drop and teleport to ability. Both had somewhat endless distances. The trap was really nice because you could drop it when someone was chasing you. they would step on it and it would cause you to pretty much vanish mid air because it teleported you behind them and invis. you just turn around and go the other way. ( could also be used to protect a flag or something as when someone went to it you would teleport to it)
The other you would drop it somewhere run into a huge group of people aoe a few times then teleport out back behind your lines. Or you would assassinate their healer types then teleport. Was quite fun. It worked. Wasnt overpowered. ESO players are just babies when it comes to NBs but dont know how well they got it vs other games lol.
ESO's biggest problem with stealth is that it is spammable. GW2 and most other mmo's have skill cooldowns which make it much easier to balance those skills. Strong skill? Bigger CD. Easy.
Most MMORPG have larger bars than ESO too and that's why cooldowns work without any problem there. Having sapmmable skills is needed here as well as animation cancel. Cooldowns will only slow the game.
The problem right now, even with cloak, is not that it is spammable, it is the infinite resources you can get with certain builds
The spammability and infinite resources go hand and hand. They are inextricably linked.
Not necessarily. Limit the resources regen and spammability is out of the equation. It even favors a more tank oriented "now it's my turn" playingstyle
Shadow Step ( has a return action so you drop it then do whatever and then u can use it to teleport back to where you used it. and Shadow Trap was the other ability when stepping on it would allow you to teleport to who ever stepped on it. Both of these abilities had a range of 40,000 if i recall? Which is almost an infinite range. You could easly use something like that from castle to castle in cyro.
Shadow Step got nerfed to only 1200 range. Shadow Trap has a 10,000 range. But keep in mind it has a 45s CD.
But ANET I find is far more "on the ball" when it comes to addressing imbalance. For example they have no problem fixing things on the fly, and they don't feel the need to wait until "big releases" to incrementally adjust skills for balance.
I think it is meant to aid in mobility. Not be a "get out of any situation scot free".
Given the amount speed, mobility, stealth and teleports available to the NB class, I think any further buffs need to wait until at least after the next DLC drops. They are very strong right now and need no further buffs.
We have a gap closer, cloak, and shade. That is the limit of our "mobility." Our gap closer puts us on the enemy's face, cloak is in fact not mobility at all and is easily countered, and shade is buggy and often unreliable. Also the range is short for open world Cyro combat. You're exaggerating.