Bash is Interrupt?

Soul Shriven
is 'Bash' also 'Interrupt' or are they entirely different moves with the same animation? i kno bashing CAN interrupt, but when i bash world bosses it doesnt seem to interrupt them... i have a key tied to 'interrupt' i just nvr seem to use it thinking bash is the same... specifically the unfinished dolmen boss in wrothgar, zandadunoz, screen pop-up says press to interrupt, but it never seems to work, but im rlly just bashing.... is it just a dice roll to get the interrupt or is bash not the same...
@Shmayken - PC/NA
  • AzraelKrieg
    Bash is indeed Interrupt. World Bosses can't be interrupted some times. The interrupt prompt might be showing up for one of the adds Zandadunoz spawns
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
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  • Shmaken
    Soul Shriven
    well its not an add he spawns cuz im always tryin to taunt and tank, so my cursor is always on him, but its good to kno i can remove the hotkey for 'interrupt' if its rlly just a bash ty ^_^
    @Shmayken - PC/NA
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