Hi, i'm from brazil and i love playing ESO, but unfortunaly we don't have a South america server, and i don't think we gonna have one soon.
But the reason i'm creating this thread, is that i get HIGH ping just in ESO. I'm always playing with 300 or 400 ms, and that's too much even for server that is far far away from me.
Why? because in other games like dota and wow, playing in US server, i get 200 ms. With 300 or 400 ms in eso, i can't even try dungeon or go to pvp. Making eso unplayable.
I tried ALL the steps that people and zenimax posted in this fórum, but none of those worked. Even using programs like WTFast didn't help, the ping remains high. The problem is in the game
Creating this thread is my last effort to fix it, i hope you guys can help me, or i will be forced to stop playing the game