I feel it is time for achievements to become account wide unlocks and cumulative in progress. This includes alliance rank. A majority of players have just one character their "main" that they collect achievements on, myself among them, if they collect them at all. ESO has many achievements many of which are overly time consuming and tedious. Who is really going to collect upwards of twenty thousand or more score worth of unlocks across two to eight alternate characters especially when a good amount of them take weeks and months to get? Few or none and I would wager none. Most if not all other platforms or services use an achievement system that rewards accolades and score at the account level. Xbox, PlayStation and Steam to name the major ones that I have seen or played on. As a collector/hunter I feel this is a logical practice.
Account wide achievements would lighten many negative views of certain content. Take vet Maelstrom Arena for example. It obviously even if unintentionally caters to certain builds and classes. Now if players could use the build that best suits them or the content for completion they would not have to worry about recognition on characters that are less suitable to that situation. You can see this in hard mode trials as well. Say you have a tank or healer as your "main" but those space limited roles are assigned, usually permanently, to certain members of guilds or friends. So if you complete it on one of the many DPS slots on an alt you are still left with that soul sucking grey achievement on your primary character. I feel a lot of the grief would vanish if the progress, achievements and titles were shared at the account level. Only satisfaction would remain.
Achievements as they stand can negatively affect how we wish to see our characters. How many of us have played other Elder Scrolls as a warrior, for example, only to make a separate save file with a magic user for the College/Mages or a stealth for the Dark Brotherhood/Thieves guilds because you did not want to break the spirit of your primary character. I know this is an MMO but I did not relish thieving or murdering five hundred innocents on my nord main and would not have had to if unlocks were account wide. Ideals and principals per character are important to the RPG enthusiast in the community.
There are only so many hours a person can reasonably put into obtaining achievements. Even with a well above average allotment of playtime time, players like me still can struggle to find the time to play what we really want to because we are stuck behind excessive parameters for the achievement goals. So I can only imagine what those who have to budget their time feel like. This is on top of all of the other grinds in the games such as motifs and undaunted sets for example. I for one would definitely participate in activities such as PvP more if I was not too busy sitting on scamp spawns for the slayer achievements and similar grinds. (Fifty scamps would have been a reasonable goal for the end tier on those, twentyish would have been fair.)
So that is a good bit of my logic behind achievements going account wide. I have more thoughts on this topic but I have been sitting on this for too long and wanted to get it posted. So feel free to let me and hopefully ZOS know why this could be a great idea. It really would be a boon to the game with no negative ramifications to any players if it was implemented. If it does not happen hopefully it will at least nudge them to be more responsible and fair in the setting of parameters. I know this was a long read and I thank you if you made it through. Please leave your thoughts or at least click those insightfuls, agrees or awesomes if you think this should go forward.
Oh and throwing account wide lore collections might go well with this.
I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.