Looking for guild!

Hi all,

I'm looking for a guild to join, i would say im a casual player (time online can fluctuate a bit, life gets in the way!) so just looking for a friendly guild with mature (ish!) people to quest with, trade and generally enjoy the game! I try to log on most nights, especially over the xmas/new year break, a bit less once work kicks back in. I'm currently a level 12 wood elf nightblade with the aldmeri dominion. Character name is Rychana if anyone has any vacancies :-)


Edited by carlab87b16_ESO on December 29, 2015 8:09PM
  • carlab87b16_ESO
    Sorry, forgot to mention gamer tag is CarlaB87

  • SJD_Phoenix
    Hey Carla!

    So long as you're still looking British Mercenaries would love to have you on board!

    We're a PvE focussed and Daggerfall populated guild with lots of experienced members. We chat, get into group content and generally help each other out.

    You'll love the community feel, so I'll make sure an invite gets sent out to you tonight. Please join guild chat 1 and get involved. Don't worry too much about being on a different faction, you can still gain a lot from us and some of our players have even converted especially when their characters are low level.
  • carlab87b16_ESO
    Hi there!

    Thanks for the reply and invite :-) I'm definately interested, I have created my own guild too (hope that's not an issue) but that's the joys of being able to join more than one, more options and experience all round!

    Thank you!
  • GlaceonGuy
    Hey, if you're still interested, our guild would be happy to have you. Here's some info: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/239203/the-aeiou-traders-ad-guild-any-level#latest

    We're small currently, but hopefully there will be more of us in the future to play with :D.
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