Greetings all.
This is my little plea to everyone on the development team of ZOS, as I've recently finally had the time to actually sit down, and relax with Orsinium. I've heard earlier from quite a couple of friends that I should be looking forward to specific "stealth" missions in the main storyline.
I'll let you know that I've overall had a really happy experience just travelling around and doing most of the quests, and general just exploration has been awesome. But please, whenever you intend to create stealth missions, and especially with the upcoming Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood DLC's coming up, make such mission locations a SOLO instance or a GROUP instance.
I'm a stealth player by heart, just look at my Battlemaster entry for The Shadow Striker, its completely stealth focused, if there is a type of gameplay I love and adore, its stealth! So please, I beg of you to let me have it. For what I noticed with Orsinium is that you made the stealth quest "A Kings-sized Problem" into a very very disappointing experience.
Correction, you at ZOS did not make it into a disappointing experience, your players did. Which is why I ask for all future "stealth" oriantated missions to be either in a SOLO instance, or a GROUP instance, for my experience with this quest I've been looking so much forward to, was just completely and utterly ruined by two players that just runs in and attacks everyone and everything, sounding the alarm and ensuring even -I- fail my stealth mission.
For the first time in a long time I've felt the need to completely delete a quest, and start it all over, simply because two jack-asses are allowed to interfere on my stealth run. But I just worry that I won't be able to even complete this mission in stealth, as every player possible seems to just run in with lightning teleporation, blazing spears, dragon wings or ambushes and just slaughters everything, no matter the lives of all the innocent priests.
Preferably such instances would forever forward always be instanced to the GROUP and its members, because really... We cannot have proper stealth missions in ESO if you smack everyone into the same instance, for there will always be that one guy that does not care about doing it stealthy, and just rushes in sounding all alarms, and eventually fails the objective for all else who are within the instance.
This is my plea to you ZOS; Please please, make all stealth missions either a SOLO or GROUP instance, for currently it does not function in the public.
Leader of Bloodlines
-- EU --
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