Best food for magica sorc?

I've had conflicting answers on this, so I figured I'd ask the community.

What is the best food or drink for a magica sorc?
For running vet dungeons

I'm currently using the new orsinium drink that gives you 5k max health plus magica regen and I use it for everything. Should I be switching it up depending on the circumstance?
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    For pve I'd recommend max health + max magicka food. If you have problems to sustain your magicka, you can use elemental drain or ask your healer if he can slot a skill for magicka support. If you are running dungeons regularly with the same group, the latter is usually better.

    For pvp it depends on how you play. I'd say, max magicka, max magicka + max hp, max hp + magicka reg, magicka reg + stamina reg and max hp + all reg can be the best option depending on your build.
  • Magdalina
    For PvE I usually just go health+magicka because why not - your damage scales off your maximum magicka, so the more the better, and health...well you need to have enough to not get killed too often;) Maybe purplefood if it's a no death or something, so I can rolldodge out of an extra aoe just in case.

    PvP I don't really do much but when I try I usually use purple food, or I guess a drink of sorts would also work. That really does depend on how you play.
  • Asherons_Call
    I wish there was a max magica + magica regen food..
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