Will come, Someday. When they have it ready.1) Justice system
Would be really nifty... add a selection of a dozend tavern games to ESO, and have two chosen at random in each tavern, one with NPC opponents, one vs. players... stuff like arm wrestling, darts, various card games, drinking contests, various board games, eating competitions, magical games, whatever...2) Tavern games
Would definitely be a nice addition as well. Both for barrom brawls andd for "tamriel pugilism heavyweight championships"...3) Brawling system
...have been asked for since forever, and noone has heard anything yet. But... who knows, might still come, someday.4) Dueling, arenas
Often enough, PvP in Cyrodil ends up being more or less that anyhow5) Guild wars (I realize there is an MMO called this)
Will most likely come. Someday.6) Player housing
Eh... thing is, you are pretty much -never- in the same place as those of other alliances -except- in cyrodil...7) Group with anyone from any allience (except PvP)
Mount Training, so they dont need to put them account-wide never either. Bard as NPC guild, more people, better buff. Maybe limit it to 1 Bard Buff per day or something like that, so you feel lucky if theres lots of people when you get it, or if you're alone its bad day, I thikn it'd be fun to know the right spot for the buff etc.
Mount Training, so they dont need to put them account-wide never either. Bard as NPC guild, more people, better buff. Maybe limit it to 1 Bard Buff per day or something like that, so you feel lucky if theres lots of people when you get it, or if you're alone its bad day, I thikn it'd be fun to know the right spot for the buff etc.
How is mount training interactive with other player,or a better buff?
( Just asking,not being rude.)
Mount Training, so they dont need to put them account-wide never either. Bard as NPC guild, more people, better buff. Maybe limit it to 1 Bard Buff per day or something like that, so you feel lucky if theres lots of people when you get it, or if you're alone its bad day, I thikn it'd be fun to know the right spot for the buff etc.
How is mount training interactive with other player,or a better buff?
( Just asking,not being rude.)
Hmm, player teach another player how to ride? Same thing how Vamp and WW bites works. Also players are Bards, if you know where Bard is, you go there, and get a buff from him.
Mount Training, so they dont need to put them account-wide never either. Bard as NPC guild, more people, better buff. Maybe limit it to 1 Bard Buff per day or something like that, so you feel lucky if theres lots of people when you get it, or if you're alone its bad day, I thikn it'd be fun to know the right spot for the buff etc.
How is mount training interactive with other player,or a better buff?
( Just asking,not being rude.)
Hmm, player teach another player how to ride? Same thing how Vamp and WW bites works. Also players are Bards, if you know where Bard is, you go there, and get a buff from him.
I dont know if a player teaching another player would work.I mean,you have to pay the trainers at the stables,and they have the different skills for the mount.How could it be implemented for each player to teach another? If they did it they'd have to get rid of stabler masters,wouldnt they?
The bard thing is interesting.
Mount Training, so they dont need to put them account-wide never either. Bard as NPC guild, more people, better buff. Maybe limit it to 1 Bard Buff per day or something like that, so you feel lucky if theres lots of people when you get it, or if you're alone its bad day, I thikn it'd be fun to know the right spot for the buff etc.
How is mount training interactive with other player,or a better buff?
( Just asking,not being rude.)
Hmm, player teach another player how to ride? Same thing how Vamp and WW bites works. Also players are Bards, if you know where Bard is, you go there, and get a buff from him.
I dont know if a player teaching another player would work.I mean,you have to pay the trainers at the stables,and they have the different skills for the mount.How could it be implemented for each player to teach another? If they did it they'd have to get rid of stabler masters,wouldnt they?
The bard thing is interesting.
I dont think so, theres the anti-social loners who dont want to do nothing with other players, so those would use stable Masters, and also if mount skills were trainable, that gives good reason to make friends and join guilds.
Mount Training, so they dont need to put them account-wide never either. Bard as NPC guild, more people, better buff. Maybe limit it to 1 Bard Buff per day or something like that, so you feel lucky if theres lots of people when you get it, or if you're alone its bad day, I thikn it'd be fun to know the right spot for the buff etc.
How is mount training interactive with other player,or a better buff?
( Just asking,not being rude.)
Hmm, player teach another player how to ride? Same thing how Vamp and WW bites works. Also players are Bards, if you know where Bard is, you go there, and get a buff from him.
I dont know if a player teaching another player would work.I mean,you have to pay the trainers at the stables,and they have the different skills for the mount.How could it be implemented for each player to teach another? If they did it they'd have to get rid of stabler masters,wouldnt they?
The bard thing is interesting.
I dont think so, theres the anti-social loners who dont want to do nothing with other players, so those would use stable Masters, and also if mount skills were trainable, that gives good reason to make friends and join guilds.
Well,if the stables were still in place I cant see why it wouldnt work,other than the mechanics it might take to implement it. :}
Rune_Relic wrote: »Dynamic user generated content costs nothing, constantly changes and lasts for ever.
In a MMO that always struggles for PVE content (especialy with the 1-day grinders we have here) why would you not use such gap fillers ?
The key word here is "optional" but the ability to interact with your fellow players needs to be increased because after all we want to interact with each other
1) Justice system
2) Tavern games
3) Brawling system
4) Dueling, arenas
5) Guild wars (I realize there is an MMO called this)
6) Player housing
We are in the age of social media so put more options in for player to player interaction that will increase immersion for everyone.
Thank you.