I would rather toggles had a seperate section on a seperate bar, or only need to be single slotted, or at least only needing skills on one bar to be used.
To get decent regen and max magicka my templar needs
Inner light
So to get the full effects I need to use up 4 of my 10 skip slots.
Plus as a healer I'm asked to run or need to run
Spear shards
Combat prayer
Blessing of protection
Elemental drain
Radiant destruction
Rapid regen
Channeled focus
Purifying ritual
Healing Springs
Purifying light
I would rather toggles had a seperate section on a seperate bar, or only need to be single slotted, or at least only needing skills on one bar to be used.
To get decent regen and max magicka my templar needs
Inner light
So to get the full effects I need to use up 4 of my 10 skip slots.
Plus as a healer I'm asked to run or need to run
Spear shards
Combat prayer
Blessing of protection
Elemental drain
Radiant destruction
Rapid regen
Channeled focus
Purifying ritual
Healing Springs
Purifying light
You most definitely don't need Magelight to heal. I've healed everything up to vICP at VR16 without it. Repentance only needs to be on one bar. You have far too many heals, I make do with BoL and rapid regen (pure heals), purifying circle (also boosts heals within its area) and combat prayer (gives DDs a buff AND also heals). I have room for spears and ele drain a couple dps skills, and repentance (only if I have stamina DDs in the group).
And you forgot Mystic Orbs
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »[...]
But never say how stamina user only have WB and executioner because that is completely false.
TequilaFire wrote: »If you come up against player spamming a skill me thinks you should come up with defense for said skill and spam it back.
Oh wait forgot the need for QQ.
No. I demand you put 5 arbitrary and different skills on your other bar and cycle through them just for the sake of it not being spamming. Everyone must use at least 3 skills before returning to a previous skill.
I'm am PvP lord(e ya ya ya) and my commands are law.
Seriously though, there is absolutely and issue with Ambush - it needs a minimum distance, but yeah. with 12 slots total, and many skills being very situational there's never going to be a ton of variety.
ontheleftcoast wrote: »Not saying your wrong but you might want to consider doing some light attack weaving. Building up your ultis quickly is fairly important, especially in PvP and light attacks are a reliable way to do it. But, yeah, the way WB is currently designed if you're running 2H you'd be a fool not to use it early and often. Or as they say, "Don't hate the player, hate the game."
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
...there is absolutely and issue with Ambush - it needs a minimum distance...
...there is absolutely and issue with Ambush - it needs a minimum distance...
The issue is more nuanced, and it's prevalent with all gap closers. Because of the stun they all have, if more than one person gap closes a player repeatedly. There is a high likelihood they'll stunlock that player until you're dead. Adding a minium distance to Teleport and it's morphs or just Ambush will not change that.
Ambush is more commonly used in this manner because it self buffs on consecutive use. Empower's an issue with both Ambush and Wrecking Blow and it shouldn't apply to itself, simple as that.
nordsavage wrote: »Here it is. With five skills per line and five slots per bar you are very limited in how much variety you have in a fight. Everyone casts a few buffs then cycles 2-3 of the abilities repeatedly. We have no choice. I was dueling in the sewers and the best way to phrase this came to me after he accused me of just spamming wrecking blow and execute. Now apply this to the few direct damage skills per line per class, I said "Wrecking blow is the bread and butter of the stamina build and all there is to eat is bread and butter". His messages stopped immediately. So may I recommend easing up on the spamming/nerf threads before we all end up fighting with sticks and rocks. Maybe someday they will expand on the skill lines by adding more than the default five or more morphs. Until then grab your butter knives.
I would rather toggles had a seperate section on a seperate bar, or only need to be single slotted, or at least only needing skills on one bar to be used.
To get decent regen and max magicka my templar needs
Inner light
So to get the full effects I need to use up 4 of my 10 skip slots.
Plus as a healer I'm asked to run or need to run
Spear shards
Combat prayer
Blessing of protection
Elemental drain
Radiant destruction
Rapid regen
Channeled focus
Purifying ritual
Healing Springs
Purifying light
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »I have 3 characters that run 2h, only 1 of them runs WB. I have an Archer, he will run Snipe. I do not, however, rely entirely on those 2 skills. They have the highest base damage in the game barring Ultimates and that is what makes them such a crutch skill to so many, among other things. Comfort zones are comfortable I suppose lol