^ Very wise words. Concise and helpful in every way.
I think he means: "Yes, we should have Wrecking Blow buffed. Increase the range of the swing, the duration of the knockdown, and increase it's damage multiplier by 3x."
It should also become cone aoe, have it's cast time removed and heal for 150% of the damage done.^ Very wise words. Concise and helpful in every way.
I think he means: "Yes, we should have Wrecking Blow buffed. Increase the range of the swing, the duration of the knockdown, and increase it's damage multiplier by 3x."
^ Very wise words. Concise and helpful in every way.
I think he means: "Yes, we should have Wrecking Blow buffed. Increase the range of the swing, the duration of the knockdown, and increase it's damage multiplier by 3x."
Wrecking Blow should have a chance to proc for instant cast like Crystal Fragments does!
(Totally not serious) . . . . . . . . . kinda.
It needs a chance for the attacker to lose control of their weapon causing it to fly away into the great blue yonder.
Maybe they could add splash damage where ever it happens to land.
What's even the meaning of this thread just a bunch of people posting sarcastic stuff just reminds me how there are such unserious people on these forums
Mettaricana wrote: »
Just hurls the sword into the distance where it lands You see a mushroom cloud in the distance. Next thing ya know you jump 15 alliance ranks for one shotting cyrodill lol