Do you want people to keep running the pledges?

so im still looking for my perfect malebeth head or shoulders for my tank, so i decided today i would do the pledge on all 8 of my characters, and i got 0 helms and a well fitted blood spawn shoulder, so basically ive spent the full night doing wayrest and have absolutely nothing to show for it, now as it stands thats not a problem people have to do it if they want the gear.

however since ZoS are planning to add them into a store in PvP im wondering why anyone would bother with the dungeons when they can work towards a guaranteed set piece in PvP, i personally would rather run in PvP building up my AP with an end it sight than potentially running the dungeon and never getting a drop.

im really worried we will see the dungeons empty and instead see loads of PvEers running around in PvP spamming mutagen.

i think there are a few possible solutions that have been mentioned before, for example:
unbind all Undaunted gear so people can still farm dungeons and sell the excess/trade between there group.
add in a token system like the laurels where you get a drop at the end of each boss and can be banked but make they a reasonably price so its pretty high but not stupidly so (im looking at you v16 gear).

do we have any word on there plans to keep PvE pledges Viable?
  • oibam
    If you can buy helmets only, the endless pledge goes need the shoulders, too.
  • Shadesofkin
    Tokens...tokens to solve the worlds problems.
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  • ostrapz
    Not all set pieces will be available, they will also show up two days a week. Meaning you may never even see a bloodspawn helmet till 2 months after update for example.
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  • mousekime111rwb17_ESO
    ostrapz wrote: »
    Not all set pieces will be available, they will also show up two days a week. Meaning you may never even see a bloodspawn helmet till 2 months after update for example.
    And then it might be light well fitted lol
  • MrDerrikk
    ostrapz wrote: »
    Not all set pieces will be available, they will also show up two days a week. Meaning you may never even see a bloodspawn helmet till 2 months after update for example.
    And then it might be light well fitted lol

    They might even sell them in Containers, so you get a random weight/trait, but you're at least guaranteed to get that particular helm.
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  • Beesting
    Decado wrote: »

    im really worried we will see the dungeons empty and instead see loads of PvEers running around in PvP spamming mutagen.

    do we have any word on there plans to keep PvE pledges Viable?

    This is not really a problem i can see the changes allready this week, when we defend a keep and push out from the inner breach i have seen 30 people standing there spamming mutagen

    guess what ? we kill them in seconds with a small team, they normally just stand there like a deer staring into headlights

    It is only annoying if you see 40 people around you from you own faction and you are the only one sieging. But the solution is simple, dont siege :smile:
    Also spamming vigor might be more interesting than mutaten for ap gain, i have not tested it as i prefer to just kill people now, it is so much more rewarding.

    I think it is a good thing actually that we will be able to buy stuff with ap because not everyone has access to friends that play a lot and know all the mechanics to do the dungeons quick and efficiently. At least those people can now join pvp and work towards a higher goal, it is good for pvp i think.
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
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    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • MikeB
    The lack of monster Helm & Shoulder drops is enough to drive someone away from this game. Then when you finally get the helm and/or shoulder you've spent months trying to get it has training, well-fitted. exploration, etc... on it, you just give up all hope and play Fallout 4. I havent played ESO for more than 20-30 minutes since Fallout 4 came out, not because Fallout 4 is such a good game, which it is, its because I got tired of doing the same dungeons over and over to get nothing.
  • Nikkor
    I've been saying it since two weeks after imperial city.

    All the drop rates are below that red line. The one where people give up and play another game. It's easier to farm wgt and get every set from that dungeon now than to get a helm and shoulder set.
  • PBpsy
    I have done 180 pledges since Vr16 to get Kena's shoulders and Nerieneth. shoulders. No luck until i got Kena two nights in a row this week. :#
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  • Makkir
    PBpsy wrote: »
    I have done 180 pledges since Vr16 to get Kena's shoulders and Nerieneth. shoulders. No luck until i got Kena two nights in a row this week. :#

    Were they well fitted? The two I have received have been both well fitted. I have been two pledges a day since Undaunted Rank 2. It's BS
  • PBpsy
    Makkir wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    I have done 180 pledges since Vr16 to get Kena's shoulders and Nerieneth. shoulders. No luck until i got Kena two nights in a row this week. :#

    Were they well fitted? The two I have received have been both well fitted. I have been two pledges a day since Undaunted Rank 2. It's BS

    First Heavy Impen, second light Divine. I couldn't believe it.
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  • UltimaJoe777
    Does Zenimax want people to keep running the pledges? Of course they do! Why do you think Laurels are exclusive to Group Instances? That alone means people will never stop running pledges if they wish to create Mercenary Equipment.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
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  • DRXHarbinger
    Decado wrote: »
    so im still looking for my perfect malebeth head or shoulders for my tank, so i decided today i would do the pledge on all 8 of my characters, and i got 0 helms and a well fitted blood spawn shoulder, so basically ive spent the full night doing wayrest and have absolutely nothing to show for it, now as it stands thats not a problem people have to do it if they want the gear.

    however since ZoS are planning to add them into a store in PvP im wondering why anyone would bother with the dungeons when they can work towards a guaranteed set piece in PvP, i personally would rather run in PvP building up my AP with an end it sight than potentially running the dungeon and never getting a drop.

    im really worried we will see the dungeons empty and instead see loads of PvEers running around in PvP spamming mutagen.

    i think there are a few possible solutions that have been mentioned before, for example:
    unbind all Undaunted gear so people can still farm dungeons and sell the excess/trade between there group.
    add in a token system like the laurels where you get a drop at the end of each boss and can be banked but make they a reasonably price so its pretty high but not stupidly so (im looking at you v16 gear).

    do we have any word on there plans to keep PvE pledges Viable?

    Don't suppose you're on XB EU at all? Very very hard to form a farming trip to wayrest. Really want a medium Devines for NB..don't know why it's a boss set and we took the whole place down in under 20 mins.
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  • me_ming
    atm I run pledges for the Laurels. thinking I might get a helm will just frustrate me.
    Edited by me_ming on December 18, 2015 8:50AM
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  • Decado
    I'm on PC EU, and honestly I'm not against people being able to buy the sets with the terrible RNG it's a good thing, you better believe I'll be buying the few divines shoulders I need when they pop
    Up, my main problem is there is not a pve equivalent of the system that's all I want I don't wanna take anything away from the pvpers just give the pveers the same kinda system,

    Yeah I can see the laurels being a reason to run, you even that won't keep you at it long, I got 5 last night and if I ran then same dungeon on my crafter who has all the motif it would be 8, you'd pick the shortest dungeon and nuke everything you could be in and out in 10 minutes and has your laurels,

    Btw even if they do put them in drop boxed like IC, atleast your guaranteed the correct set piece, would it be a crap trait? Probably but you'd have the set piece you wanted,

    As for the guys spamming mutagen I know they are easy as hell to deal
    With its just annoying when your faction is an pop lock yet your being pushed out of keep after keep and it's the same 2 guilds/ groups trying to defend them all, and the rest are easy fodder for anyone half competent in pvp or tbere off role playing somewhere(but that's a whole other issue haha)

    I personally don't like the way the pop cap works. I would rather IC was separate ao everyone who wanted to fight would be there to actually defend keeps
  • willymchilybily
    PBpsy wrote: »
    I have done 180 pledges since Vr16 to get Kena's shoulders and Nerieneth. shoulders. No luck until i got Kena two nights in a row this week. :#

    i've done maybe 30 pledges since IC launched maybe a tad more. 3 sets of molag kena shoulders and one helm. robust/divines/divines/infused. Guy running the same dungeon hasnt had one. RNG is gash. look forward to an alternative option to get the sets i want.
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  • Flameheart
    Decado wrote: »
    im really worried we will see the dungeons empty and instead see loads of PvEers running around in PvP spamming mutagen.

    I am one of them. Best method to get Barrier soon :-)

    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

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  • Zahne
    Terrible RNG and BoP has killed dropped sets for me, I am not prepared to farm endlessly on the offchance I may get a full set of what I want, so am now using exclusively crafted sets.
    I run daily dungeons for the deconstruction mats.

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  • DRXHarbinger
    Gold is harder to come by. They will cost a bomb (maybe even be nerfed at the same time) how much time does it take you to farm say 500k gold? You could run the dungeons a hell of a lot of times for the helms. Still I reckon if they made all shoulders obtainable via pledges multiple times a day it would save this buying argument. Once a day isn't right. I get shoulders now and then and have them all bar engine guardian why I'd have to cycle through all of them over and over before I get them is beyond me when I can grind any helm 24/7? Oh well it'll be over in February.
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  • Reverb
    There are more reasons to run pledges than just helms and shoulders. Leveling undaunted, gold, laurel, drop gear for decon mats, and cracking out a quick CP are others. The AP change just means that PVP'ers won't have to run pledges for a chance to get monster pieces. I think its a good move.

    I am a little resentful at the idea of being able to pick a trait. Other people should have to suffer the same frustration of getting 2 well fitted kena helms like I have >:)
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • DRXHarbinger
    I have 34 laurels and you don't need to do the actual pledge to get them. Any dungeon anytime will land you a laurel. Pointless things once you've got more than you can craft with. Not rare at all. Same as the motif. Have them all and they don't sell for squat. Decon mats aren't worth it outside of IC as they yield charcoal which still sells a bit. Undaunted levels out at about 30 vet pledges. Surely 90% of the regular players have done that by now.

    Maybe now a better idea would have been a monster chest that needs 5 keys and guarantees a shoulder item at random. I'd take a punt on that over the gold one.
    PC Master Race

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  • Erdmanski
    Putting monster helms in AP vendors is intended to please the PVP community who chooses not to PVE. With that said, they are likely to be in containers, so you still aren't getting the option buy the weight and trait that you want.

    If you have a good group, it will take you far less time to farm a dungeon for a helm than it will to accrue the large amount of AP that the helms will likely cost.
  • Decado
    Erdmanski wrote: »
    Putting monster helms in AP vendors is intended to please the PVP community who chooses not to PVE. With that said, they are likely to be in containers, so you still aren't getting the option buy the weight and trait that you want.

    If you have a good group, it will take you far less time to farm a dungeon for a helm than it will to accrue the large amount of AP that the helms will likely cost.

    Not if the sets arnt dropping, I've easily
    Ran over 100+Vwgt and so far I have 3 spell power cure,

    I run multiple pledges a day and still running around in infused shoulders because divines just won't drop, I have a friend who ran pledges for MONTHS for her valkyn skoria shoulders and she still doesn't have them so she never got a chance to use it before the set was nerfed into the ground.

    Where as the other night a ran with my guild for 3 hours and earnt 90k AP, that wasn't even farming that was playing for the campaign taking/defending keeps wiping giant red pug zergs etc,

    Now let's assume they make the shoulders 1 million AP, which IMO is to high, if I ran with my guild for less than 2 weeks with similar results I'm done. That doesn't even take into account all those bomb squads who farm AP daily, I have a friend who doesn't farm but only plays pvp every day and he's sat on over 20 million AP, so for him it will take him ZERO time to get the AP he's been earning it passively for the past year.

    Like I said I don't care about the pvpers being able to skip pve I just want a similar system in PvE and I don't mean the fact that can be bought with gold since I don't know how many threads I've seen recently about pve actually costing money to run.

    As Zahne said drop sets are dead for most people because of the atrocious RNG involved in trying to get the sets, and then getting 8 pairs of well fitted shoes and 0 other pieces.

    And as DRXharbinger said laurels are not hard to get and undaunted is easy as hell to level if you take half an hour out of your day each day to do it.
  • NoMaassPliz
    Makkir wrote: »
    PBpsy wrote: »
    I have done 180 pledges since Vr16 to get Kena's shoulders and Nerieneth. shoulders. No luck until i got Kena two nights in a row this week. :#

    Were they well fitted? The two I have received have been both well fitted. I have been two pledges a day since Undaunted Rank 2. It's BS

    I'm still waiting on mine...
  • LBxFinalDeath
    I would do vet pledges but ya' know....Ima Nightblade and ppl hiss whenever I or other Nightblades approach the undaunted enclave.
  • Asherons_Call
    Yes! Please keep running pledges. I just started doing them so I need help :)
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