so im still looking for my perfect malebeth head or shoulders for my tank, so i decided today i would do the pledge on all 8 of my characters, and i got 0 helms and a well fitted blood spawn shoulder, so basically ive spent the full night doing wayrest and have absolutely nothing to show for it, now as it stands thats not a problem people have to do it if they want the gear.
however since ZoS are planning to add them into a store in PvP im wondering why anyone would bother with the dungeons when they can work towards a guaranteed set piece in PvP, i personally would rather run in PvP building up my AP with an end it sight than potentially running the dungeon and never getting a drop.
im really worried we will see the dungeons empty and instead see loads of PvEers running around in PvP spamming mutagen.
i think there are a few possible solutions that have been mentioned before, for example:
unbind all Undaunted gear so people can still farm dungeons and sell the excess/trade between there group.
add in a token system like the laurels where you get a drop at the end of each boss and can be banked but make they a reasonably price so its pretty high but not stupidly so (im looking at you v16 gear).
do we have any word on there plans to keep PvE pledges Viable?