Hi there everyone! I spent the last month trying to become werewolf on my newest character.
I was running into a bug where when I entered it told me to listen hircine and he would say "no experienced my power!" and nothing would happen. The other guy would transform and I could move but nothing would happen.
I figured out that if I left the area and reenetered I came in transformed.
But then when I killed the beast and howled the pack would feed endlessly without me being able to join them. This is where my problem arose. I always got stuck on this part because leaving/re-entering did not fix it.
I have today figured out that if you stand ontop of the corpse while the werewolfs feed then log out and log back in instantly you will be able to feed.
Then it will say "listen to hircine" nothing will happen so what you must do is go back and stand infront of the statue and then log-out and log-in. Once in wait about 20-30 seconds and then you will hear hircine say "now bow to me" but nothing will happen.
Log-out/in again and you will be able to talk to the statue bow and complete the quest.
I went through the forums and couldnt find this solution so I decided to make this thread!
A few things:
Yes I know there was/is a bug about costumes. I had no costumes, I removed bound armor from my toolbar, I had no pets out, and I even took away my toggle ultimate just incase that did it.
I tried resetting/leaving many times. I even tried curing and getting a new bite. No avail.
So I hope until this bug gets fixed that anyone with this problem is able to get it fixed with this solution!
@ZOS_GinaBruno do you think you could submit this bug to the team for review?
Thank you everyone and have a great day!