ZoS already kinda *** that part up. just compair Tamriel according to ZoS and according to Bethesda.....
The map you're referencing is also from the 3rd/4th Era(s). there's been centuries of wars, conquerings, and liberations between the 2nd Era (TES0) and the 3rd/4th Era's (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim).http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/8/83/Tamriel_map.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080601152554
compair to ZoS map and there aren't even mutch details on this one
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »ZoS already kinda *** that part up. just compair Tamriel according to ZoS and according to Bethesda.....http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/8/83/Tamriel_map.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080601152554
compair to ZoS map and there aren't even mutch details on this one
But other than those minutiae, the Zeni map is accurate to the continental/provincial maps created by Bethesda.
Oh? Are you that -sure- Blacklight isn't perhaps a coastal city at the foot of the mountain that has Skuldafn on top? Because that's what I'd have thought... that its maybe off to the eastern coast, facing across the canal to Vvardenfell... after all, the other TES maps were handdrawn affairs, which historically proved to be full of inaccuracies... (just go look at a few medievel maps, and compare them to your school atlas somedayClose, yes, but not entirely: There's no space left for Blacklight in Morrowind, it's taken up by Skuldafn.
nordmarian wrote: »+1 I really want to visit Vvandenfell.I never finished Morrowind.
Tamriel map doesn't have to be 1:1 but at least very similar. If scale problem arise i'm pretty sure they can be somewhat fixed. Reember Skyrim? In the western mountains there is a huge valley just hidden there where people from both sides through there was nothing but the border.
TBH on my most wanted zones I want in ESO is Vvandenfell. Stonefalls was one of the most amazing areas I experienced in ESO and was the reason i brought the game in the first place. I'd love to see other volcanic regions but i'm pretty sure they won't be as nice as Stonefalls. Where else big mushrooms grow? Right. Vvandenfell... I want them Slit Striders.
Blackreach? Will we discover another long forgotten city like it in ESO? The idea from Skyrim was amazing and I really hope to visit some underground cities soon.
Other parts of Skyrim? Winterhold? The Reach? ... I'm not sure we'll see others areas soon.
Black March? Hmm... lots of Swamps... but what if we can finally dive underwater? I have a feeling we won't see much more there than we seen already in Shadowfen. Thats why Murkmire didn't made me too excited yet. Still, done right they might bring some good gameplay and interesting stories.
Elsweyr, Sumerset Isles... again lots of forests everywhere just like in Valenwood. One thing I'm wondering... any big trees anywhere? Any big cities up in the trees in one of those areas?
We get like 4 DLCs a year... and there are tens of possible DLC's out there. It might take years untill the Tamriel map will ever get filled.TBH I'd love to get a full expansion pack from time to time... like 1 each 2-3 years at least. These can cover much more ground than just single DLC's.
Atm it looks like we are going to visit some more areas around Hamerfell. Abah's Landing, Gold Coast. Later we might visit some more oblivion planes. Mephala's realm, etc...
Clockwork City. Well this one might look very interesting. My question is... Will it unveil the dissaperance of the Dwemers? Will we be able to play with them? I had in mind an idea about a DLC in which we go back in time through a portal, play as dwemmers and unveil long lost and forgotten secrets.
Will there be additions to the story behind Nirn? Maybe adding new factions and areas we didn't heard before? Underwater cities? Will we go visit other continents from Nirn? Hmm maybe in a very distant future? Dont forget the game is named Tamriel Unlimited afterall.
We are gonna have Abbash and Gold Coast...
There was a lot of cuts made when ZoS made it where it did not require a subscription to play. However we can give a player a Million Dollars? Cool, a Million Dollars is nice but this game is marvelous and I want nothing more then to see this thrive.
Actually, there is plenty of room for Blacklight.Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »ZoS already kinda *** that part up. just compair Tamriel according to ZoS and according to Bethesda.....http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/8/83/Tamriel_map.gif/revision/latest?cb=20080601152554
compair to ZoS map and there aren't even mutch details on this one
But other than those minutiae, the Zeni map is accurate to the continental/provincial maps created by Bethesda.
Close, yes, but not entirely: There's no space left for Blacklight in Morrowind, it's taken up by Skuldafn.
There was a lot of cuts made when ZoS made it where it did not require a subscription to play. However we can give a player a Million Dollars? Cool, a Million Dollars is nice but this game is marvelous and I want nothing more then to see this thrive.