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Change Trait/Style on Item!


It would be nice if ZOS would give us an Option to change the Traits/Style on the Gear.

For example:

You got an Item in Well-Fitted but you want it in Divines.

Now you need a amount of stones like 500 or something to change it to Divines? You know what i mean?

Same with Style of the Gear!

  • Marukeru
    When you say Stones, what do you mean? Are you suggesting that you would use 500 rather than use 1 of the material to apply a Trait to armor while crafting? Because, that's an awful idea imo. Being able to change Traits on the fly could be detrimental to the economy of the game.

    I do like the style change, yet I feel it should be limited to function how the Imperial conversion works. Where, maybe you can only convert an item into your own race (or Imperial if you have that unlocked). And still, named items cannot be converted.
  • Turelus
    This is something people have brought up many times but ZOS hasn't really answered (too my knowledge).

    I would love to see it but only on the condition it also binds the item to your account, so you can't make a bad drop a perfect drop and then sell it.

    It would also make trait/style stones valuable again, there could even be skills to reduce the cost of this to reward high level crafters and give another alternative location for SP in crafting.

    There would have to be some balanced numbers however, as changing a trait from well-fitting to divines wouldn't be an issue for massive numbers of gems, however to make something Nirnhoned would cost a fortune even the rich folk would cringe at.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • PBpsy
    It would be just to cool to be allowed.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • bryanhaas
    CRehrl15 wrote: »

    It would be nice if ZOS would give us an Option to change the Traits/Style on the Gear.

    For example:

    You got an Item in Well-Fitted but you want it in Divines.

    Now you need a amount of stones like 500 or something to change it to Divines? You know what i mean?

    Same with Style of the Gear!

    I would say no on the trait but if you learned a full style you should have an option to convert the style kinda like if you bought the Imperial edition.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • Spacemonkey
    I like the idea. I know there are people for it (a lot)

    I think thoseagainst are mostly out of concern for the economy.

    I'd love a reforge section in crafting to be able to switch traits or style or w/e - but I would expect the cost to be appropriate (whether its mats, tempers, gold etc...) <- It could even need another item of the same sort, of the proper quality , WITH that trait. So let's say you want divines on that legendary 2H you just found? Well you need to find or craft a divine legendary sword first (perhaps 2). Because let's face it, where all talking about being able to switch traits on SET items.

    I'm sure this can be balanced. As for the economy, I really don't pay attention or use the markets that much so others could expand/comment. But wouldn't this open up more demand for lower quality items and non-set items with specific traits?

    (And obviously you need to have the proper research)
  • eNumbra
    Sure if:

    1 - It binds the item
    2 - You must know the motif in order to reforge
    3 - You must know both the existing trait and the trait it will become
    4 - Requires stones in the same way tempering does, consuming more stones raises the chance of success

    I've wanted to see reforging for a while, but it shouldn't be the same as imperial conversion.
  • me_ming
    Just an idea, what if ZoS makes use of Inspiration Points? After you reach level50 on any crafting profession, I honestly don't see much use of Inspiration Points. So was thinking of maybe making that visible number we can track and we spend Inspiration Points to change the traits? Just a thought.
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
    -Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

    -Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
  • Robbmrp
    Everyone would benefit from something like this for sure. It will NEVER happen though....

    @ZOS wants people to run dungeons 50 times to get that exact piece you were looking for. If people could get the item on the first few tries with just the incorrect trait and then modify it, they would never run that dungeon again.

    Unfortunately that's the whole basis behind RNG which isn't going to change. Especially now that they are going to offer the Monster Helm/Shoulders at a PVP Merchant in Cyrodil. So you won't be able to change the trait, BUT you will be able to buy the helm you want with AP. They are still considering having these items possibly be BoE so you could see them in a Guild Store Merchant some time soon!
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Kensei_ESO
    Yes please! This has been suggested/requested/demanded many times but totally ignored by ZOS. It would be great for the game, I can't imagine why they wouldn't offer it, even if it's only available on crafted gear. I can sort of see an argument to be made for not wanting it available for looted gear.
  • Radburn
    I was going to create a post about this, but knew someone must've brought it up in the past. Sure enough!

    I would like to see an option to change the style or trait on crafted gear as well. With every major update comes changes that can have a profound effect on your fully upgraded gear. Maybe Infused is the best trait now, but it is replaced by something else down the road. Or you want to go from a PVE focused set to PVP and swap all the Divines for Impenetrable.

    Having the option to change the traits + style adds immense flexibility to crafting. For those worried about the economy of tempers, I would counter there is potential for a new economy to emerge. If it takes 100 of the desired weapon/armour trait materials to change a single trait what do you think will happen to the cost of these materials? They will have value, and there will be a market for them.

    Edited by Radburn on February 25, 2016 9:07PM
  • Marktoneth3
    I agree with you bro

    because I have all 6 trait in every gear and it is pain in the arse that 7th trait take 10 days for 1 item :cry:
  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    All for being able to change traits on items, but it shouldn't be too easy. Maybe make it so you need to have 2-3 pieces with the same trait, that you can merge into another one with the desired trait on it.
    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • olsborg
    CRehrl15 wrote: »

    It would be nice if ZOS would give us an Option to change the Traits/Style on the Gear.

    For example:

    You got an Item in Well-Fitted but you want it in Divines.

    Now you need a amount of stones like 500 or something to change it to Divines? You know what i mean?

    Same with Style of the Gear!

    Yes please, i would spend crowns on this item every week.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • pcar944
    I would love this

    I'd be willing to pay in game gold even for a CHANCE

    I got blue Alena shoulders with well fitted, and I have a Memphala helm with reinforced

    I hear these are kind of rare, but the rolls I got - I probably can't even sell them
    One Tamriel killed PVP

    DC Magicka Orc Necromancer climbing those ranks ...
  • Kensei_ESO
    Why do we not have these options?

    When this game launched, I thought the crafting system was very intelligent and robust. Now, after the addition of so many different sets and motifs, I find it incredibly clunky and not user friendly. The ability to change the motif of an item and socket a new trait gem would return ESO crafting to its former glory.
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