The question is why did you *** up pvp in the fist place but I'm glad that you are finally listening to our demands.
Confermed changes below!!!
1) pvp battlegrounds and dueling, coming latter2) aoe caps being removed next major pach!
3) more ap for smaller groups!
4) 16 shadow walker ect, for ap next pach!
5) pvp vendor that sells undaunted sets!
Although I don't mind doing pve, but I still don't have my Molag kena shoulder God damit!!!!
Plz fix I have run a 100 plus pledges and still
Don't have it!
5) less lag, I'll believe it when I see it.
6) keeps will be harder to take!
7) no cp campains!!
8) they are going to add stuff to ic, finally because right now not worth the 20$ or whatever.
9&10) deer are coming back!!!!!!!!
Sorry if this is messy I did it on my phone.
Edited by Millerman34n on December 7, 2015 2:33PM