lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Or just learn how to move out of aoes, then you can do it without dying.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
There's corners and edges that don't get the fire. I just stayed in those, did some LOS and made the boss come to me.
MrBeatDown wrote: »You guys do know that you can jump up on the platform that has his throne right? When you enter the room, look to the right of the platform and jump up on the tallest Vase. You can then leap up on the edge of the platform, hold block and jump to the left a little bit more until you are able to jump completely up there. You then simply aggro the boss, make him dragon leap up top with you and you can solo him pretty ez.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
The fires are a problem throughout though, but thanks for the tip lol
MrBeatDown wrote: »
No fire on the platform. Just below it....
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »To those of you that haven't done it heed this warning: Bring some Soul Gems! Trust me, you do NOT want to end up slain by the friggin floor with no way to get revived or revive yourself because it is a loooooong way back from the Wayshrine...
myrrrorb14_ESO wrote: »It was a fun fight!
Loved the fire! Made it much more interesting than the normal run roll through everything.