Member of my guild said she'd really like to see a dremora as a playable race and couple new classes with it, physical and caster, Dark knight?

And i started wondering it. It would be hard to write a good story, and they couldn't really "win" in the end, but it would be interesting! Tho it would require new quests on all areas (but there's no need for 30+ fetch quests on all areas anyway, they're boring, i could settle for less quests), or some other way on finishing all the zones. Making a good dremora char is not really an option.
Or completely new zones? Starting to explore the deadric realms, not even going to Tamriel that much, it would require different achievements from the Tamriel world. There's a lot of Lore to explore, and things to see in Daedric realms i'm sure. You couldn't finish both world with the same character, but i personally wouldn't mind.
It's a long-shot, i admit that. But fun idea to play around with, and i'm getting a bit tired on games that let me save the world, be the hero of everything and everyone loves you etc.
And then there's the possibility of a new PvP area, where daedric forces and "good" forces would collide. Smaller than Cyrodiil, with two sides clashing onto each other. As much as i love ESO, and gaming, there's so few games that actually let's us play as an evil char, and i'd love that option to choose which side you're on. And that PvP wuold be awesome.
Edited by Lord_Ejl on December 6, 2015 10:44AM