Massive Zergballs suck because it makes for less strategic and tactical warfare game play. To make pvp more strategic and tactical ZOS should open up the ability to damage other players in your own alliance, the exception to this is those you are grouped with from your alliance, you won't be able to take damage from them and groups should then be limited in size to 10-12 person groups (let the flames lashing begin).
Here is my reasoning behind this. This will force large groups to split up and have some distance between them (good for lag)maybe even force them to try and take multiple targets at the same time (divide and conquer right). Force them to actually have to coordinate more as a group and as an alliance working together. This can be done on one server see how it works, run it on the test server. I have experienced this type of pvp combat before in one of the the first strictly PVP games, Shadowbane. You could see groups move as a team, coordinate multiple groups for where and what to attack, it forces people to think about group strategy (types of classes and abilities to make the group more effective, ganking group, sniper group, frontline groups, magic ranged groups, etc), it also forces people and groups to be much more tactical in how they move and operate as a group or solo, knowing you can now take friendly fire.
Battles have always been coordinated via groups/ranks of people the way it is in ESO is a big sloppy blob of people doing whatever with no consequences from friendlies. Sure it is harder but when you achieve a goal or wipe another group it is so much more rewarding because everyone in the group knows it was coordination and skill and not just some blob of the whole alliance running around spamming one power.
Sure you might run into that one *** in your own alliance who wants to kill their own but that is warfare, traitors and if someone kills someone in their own alliance have them loose some AP or make them be marked like you do with stealing and the guards will arrest you and you have to pay a fine in Cyrodiil. This will also allow for group pvp within ones alliance and dueling (have gladiator arenas in cyrodiil where there is no punishment for killing your alliance in fact if you enter into a gladiator arena you can earn Gladiator Arena Points. Make it so people have to actually go to these arenas in cyrodiil to enter the instance to get into battle in these gladiator arenas, maybe this is how other arena pvp can be brought into the game. It can be 1v1, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10 and even 1vX or 3vX if someone has the skills and they get greater rewards for going that route)
Anyway just my thoughts on how to break up the zergballs! Share your build or find a build here at Fate's Legacy!
-This is your life and its ending one moment at a time-