Maintenance for the week of March 3:
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Anyone else having heavy attacks pause or stop in combat?

  • Nebthet78
    OMG YES I have been having the issue with this tonight. It was extremely annoying and it mostly only occured when I was fighting bosses of any kind. I could only Heavy attack once, and could not roll into a second one if I kept the mouse button down like I normally do. I also found that my abilities would misfire as well.

    ZOS: What did you stealth nerf this time?
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • SeptimusDova
    Same issue whilst healing for groups.FPS was fine ping was solid. Could not quite figure out what this one was doing wrong.Will try again after I finish my coffee. Oh and have an awesome day all of you
  • daemonios
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert can you weigh in on this issue? Seems to be a confirmed bug after the last patch.
  • ADarklore
    I actually did have the problem last night where my character suddenly wouldn't do anything... other than jump or move around... wouldn't even unsheathe weapon to try a heavy attack to resolve... I also tried /reloadui but nothing worked. What ended up resolving it was 'weapon swap' and after that things started working normally again. Strange that I couldn't unsheathe my weapon yet the weapon swap worked. Go figure.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Sarovan
    Does anyone have an update on this issue?
  • Kutsuu
    Although I think some people here are attributing other issues to this (they are probably dealing with lag...), I too have experienced the heavy attack/light attack issue. I find that often, using another ability will "unlock" my ability to heavy attack again, but it's hit or miss. I'm suspicious that it could have something to do with having the option to not damage neutral NPCs turned on, because I notice the same behavior when I'm in towns and happen to try to heavy attack while I'm targetting a yellow health bar NPC - Obviously it's intended in this case.

    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • ZioGio
    I noticed this for the first time on Friday night, which was the first night I had played since the previous weekend, not with heavy attacks, but with my skills buttons. It was like my muscle-memory rotation was too fast and I found myself having to press the skill buttons more than once. Only one instances I think may be attributed to lag (I just stood there repeatedly pressing a skill button and nothing was happening and I wasn't stunned, but creatures were still attacking me and I was taking damage), but, otherwise, yeah, I felt like I had to count "one-one-thousand" between button presses to make sure they fired. I had never noticed that before Friday.
    Edited by ZioGio on December 7, 2015 10:15PM
    PC NA
  • Preyfar
    I have a problem where I charge up a Heavy attack, then follow with a Light attack. I'll sneak up behind a target and try to land a 2H heavy, followed be Light, then wind up a Wrecking Blow. Heavy attack rarely does damage, but Light always does. I'd bug it, but the bot train I reported a few days ago is still running around. I lose hope that anything I ever report gets looked into.
  • ContraTempo
    So tonight I had this weird effect where I could spam one skill just fine but if I tried to use another skill there was this long pause where nothing would happen (except my character kept moving and all the NPCs kept attacking) while I was repeatedly mashing the button before it would finally go off. Note that all of them were instant, so it was not casting time.

    Some of my skills work best when alternated so just spamming one is not acceptable. And sometime I need that instant heal Right Now [tm].

    I don't know what they have done to our controls but this is not a happy place. I don't mind dying if I mess up but it should not be because my controls won't respond.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • NBrookus
    Yes. In the past couple of days, sometimes heavy attacks just... don't. My Character just stands there. I have to cast an ability or block to get it to work again.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    My Heavy Attacks with my Main (my Sorcerer) do this sometimes.

    He runs with an Inferno Staff; every so often, after a Heavy Attack fully charges up, it doesn't fire off. The attack doesn't go off, but the Staff goes back to it's "resting-combat-ready" position. It doesn't even release a partially charged attack when this happens, it just does nothing.

    The other issue I've been running into seems to only happen with his Inferno Staff. I'll charge up a Heavy Attack, and when it goes off, it misses the target.

    I'm making sure that the enemy is highlighted with the red aura, and my Sorcerer has a clean line of sight to the target. But the Heavy Attack will either sail right past the target, or will hit the turf right at its feet for zero effect. It seems to be an issue when the enemies are moving. When they stand still, this almost never happens (I say almost because it has happened, but rarely). The misses seem to occur when the enemy is moving straight at my Sorcerer, or strafing him. The enemy isn't performing any evasive dodge rolls or ninja-flips to get behind my Sorcerer, these misses happen during normal running movements. But this isn't limited to standard cannon-fodder enemies either. World Bosses, Delve Bosses, Public Dungeon Bosses... I've seen the Inferno Staff heavy attack miss them all.

    It's frustrating, and sometimes lethal, in combat. It actually changes the entire dynamic of the combats in a very negative way.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Nebthet78
    I noted before on here that I have been having this issue. I have been playing my Templar a lot lately and I have been testing it out on their and been able to repeat and trigger the bug a lot.

    I have actually found that I run into the bug if, I attempt to use Vampire's Bane and attack from a distance. More often then not, Vampire's Bane will misfire. It will show the beginning animation, but then won't follow through. Then, when I get within melee range, I can get off 1 heavy attack, but I will not get the next heavy attack follow through you get if you leave your button mouse pressed down. The animation completely stops and you have to release and press down the mouse button again.

    So what I end up getting is attacks that look like this... Puncturing sweep... Puncturing sweep... heavy attack... stop..... puncturing sweep, vampire's bane... heavy attack... stop. scramble, scramble, scramble for distance.. heal, heal.. puncturing sweep, puncturing sweep, puncturing sweep.. vampire bane, radiant destruction.

    I also find this bug is most often happening on bosses of any kind. Quest bosses, World Bosses, Dungeon Bosses. So, it is really inconvenient and a pain to deal with.

    I have had to ensure now that I don't use a ranged skill attack to start a fight, otherwise I end up with the bug.
    I did submit a ticket detailing what it was I was doing that would trigger the bug.

    Has any one else determined what they do that triggers this bug?
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • Volkodav
    I have been noticing this as well.Nearly get nailed to the floor sometimes.
  • khemdog
    Just noticed this happening over the last week. Sometimes i can weave heavy attack w/abilities by holding down mouse1, other times i get 1 ability off and my character stops heavy attacking. Happened in Spindleclutch today farming helms, 1 boss I could animation cancel/weave attacks against, the next boss I couldn't... happens with 2h and surprise attack nearly every time, seems to be less of a problem with aoe/channeled ability weaving.

  • Thornen
    I've noticed this too lately, just thought it was time to buy a new mouse but I guess not.
  • LorDrek
    Yes, i have same problem with HA in dungeons, 2h weapons.
    Imperial DK stamDPS, Nord DK magTANK
    YDoA CZ/SK Guild
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Today I was fighting a bear in Wrothgar and lost skills and light/heavy attacks. I could still move, the keyboard was still responsive, but nothing else worked. "I'm going to die to a bear!" I thought, and bashed in frustration - and Bash worked!

    So I bashed the bear to death :(

    It's particularly embarrassing when fighting world bosses in Wrothgar. People must wonder why I'm just standing there not doing anything - apart from dying.

    It happens quite frequently that keyboard functions stop working - not only in battle, also just interacting with the environment. 'E' won't work even though the option is indicated, but it will work for other things like deleting items from my inventory. Logout/login seems to be the only option.

  • ContraTempo
    Someone on another thread mentioned that "delays in Templar abilities" was claimed as intentional by ZoS. It seems extremely unlikely to me that a mess like this was done on purpose so maybe he was talking about something else. Anyone know what he might have been talking about?
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • Thalmor-Nordmaster
    Still buggy the keyboard seems to stop working.
  • MornaBaine
    This has just started happening to me since the last maintenance. What the heck ZOS???
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • ContraTempo
    Today I was fighting a bear in Wrothgar and lost skills and light/heavy attacks. I could still move, the keyboard was still responsive, but nothing else worked. "I'm going to die to a bear!" I thought, and bashed in frustration - and Bash worked!

    So I bashed the bear to death :(

    This is SO awesome! LMAO
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • SeptimusDova
    Contra that comes from a long buried and weighted thread. The thread is rumored to be hidden away in an Dwemer Ruin. Twas placed there for protection during the Great Templar Civil War. If you look closely in Certain Templar Signatures you can find the Link.

    We have not forgotten....

    Yes it seems the keyboard becomes non responsive.
  • lonewolf26
    Today I was fighting a bear in Wrothgar and lost skills and light/heavy attacks. I could still move, the keyboard was still responsive, but nothing else worked. "I'm going to die to a bear!" I thought, and bashed in frustration - and Bash worked!

    So I bashed the bear to death :(

    It's particularly embarrassing when fighting world bosses in Wrothgar. People must wonder why I'm just standing there not doing anything - apart from dying.

    It happens quite frequently that keyboard functions stop working - not only in battle, also just interacting with the environment. 'E' won't work even though the option is indicated, but it will work for other things like deleting items from my inventory. Logout/login seems to be the only option.

    I had this happen to me last night. Do you play with a dual screen setup, in Windowed mode? It seemed this would happen to me when I popped my cursor out of the game to do something on screen two, but then refocused the game on screen one without moving my mouse cursor back to screen one. Refocusing the game with the mouse over the game seemed to correct this.
  • Necrelios
    Yes this happens all the time for me. I also get stuck in the slow motion "aiming movement" when using a staff and can't get back to normal movement speed until combat ends. It can be a very dangerous situation to be in.
    Terms & Conditions ["We revoke permission to fictional legal constructs or private/public persons for selling of any private data, censorship, surveillance, personage or conversion as a trespass of law. We prohibit the practice of "procedural law" or corporate statues in place of divine law."]
  • joshisanonymous
    Yes, this has been happening to me constantly lately. I thought it was my cheap mouse but apparently that's not the case.

    I only really use heavy attacks when in werewolf form and it's all but impossible to keep them up now. If I hold down the left mouse button, I'll just randomly stop attacking. If I try to release at the end of the attack and then press it again, it's pretty much issue.

    This is kinda crucial for stamina management so it makes the game very frustrating lately.
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • pilotfish
    Please fix heavy attack. It is crippling at times (vet maelstrom) when i expect to heavy attack and nothing happens. Really, it is a big deal. Confirmation? Looking into it? Anyone?
  • pilotfish
    This bug is not fixed on the PTS for the Thieves Guild DLC.

    This bug is why I haven't played in over one month.
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