I feel this may have already been covered but i'm going to ask or rather suggest it. I am Playing TESO on Ps4. really love it. The only thing that's bothering me now is we have blips that come up on our compass for just about everything. Fast travel, new quests delves, group delves, dungeons and area's of importance whenever we get near them. Why hasn't sky shards been implemented in this manner, if you get close to them have the blip come up on our compass so we know there is something important there. I'm not saying a skyshard blip but the eyeball icon would likely suffice just so we know something important is nearby and we should look around to see what that is. It kind of sucks to have to have my phone out with a picture to make sure i haven't missed anything. You have blips for everything else.
It was just a thought for us poor PS4 players.
Other than that. great game and it looks beautiful on the PS4!