Well, it's not about reworking the content at all, only about adjusting the scaling mechanism so that it will scale players up and down to the respective levels of the original zones.In their last show they said they wanna focus on new zones and don't have plans to rework the old ones.
@spoqster, this is impossible to do in this game and make it what you likely think it would.Well, it's not about reworking the content at all, only about adjusting the scaling mechanism so that it will scale players up and down to the respective levels of the original zones.In their last show they said they wanna focus on new zones and don't have plans to rework the old ones.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »All new DLC zones will scale for sure, but older zones will most likely not. After all, not much point in leveling if we scale everywhere we go.
@spoqster, this is impossible to do in this game and make it what you likely think it would.Well, it's not about reworking the content at all, only about adjusting the scaling mechanism so that it will scale players up and down to the respective levels of the original zones.In their last show they said they wanna focus on new zones and don't have plans to rework the old ones.
Let's say you down-scale a VR16 to level 10, what skills does the level 10 get?
It can't possibly keep all the capped morphed skills of the VR16 as that clearly isn't a meaningful level 10 experience, so just what skills are given to the level 10 from those the VR16 has?
Or are you going to say keep all the skills just downsize the stats?
If you say that then I say no way to this, it would be entirely artificial and pointless as a level 10 with capped morph skills will still largely one/two-shot level 10 mobs.
This change would also open up the possibility of adjustable difficulty. Currently players are scaled up to V15 (afaik) in Orsinium. Here difficulty could translate to how far you are scaled up, with increasing the game's difficulty meaning you are scaled up less. So a player playing on a difficulty setting higher than normal, will enter the zone at a lower level than the zone's level. Playing on higher difficulty could be rewarded with higher drop rates or faster experience gain, but most importantly that option would allow players to set it so that they enjoy playing as much as possible.
The real question to me is once the do away with VR levels, will difficulty scale to your CP level instead? Will mobs have a CP level? I really hope this is the case because currently I'm two-shotting regular mobs in Orsinium. The content trivial. There's no challenge whatsoever.
But in my book, if you're balancing a single player game for the lowest skill audience, you have to find a way to scale the difficulty. If you don't, you'll just exclude the majority of players.
The real question to me is once the do away with VR levels, will difficulty scale to your CP level instead? Will mobs have a CP level? I really hope this is the case because currently I'm two-shotting regular mobs in Orsinium. The content trivial. There's no challenge whatsoever.
Haha, yeah, I was afraid of that. I am playing it with my low-level 17 character at the moment. It's great fun. Every mob fight is a challenge and requires concentration, and I even died a few times. That's how a single player game should play.
They really need to either disable CPs inside these single player zones or add a difficulty slider as suggested above. It feels like a huge rip-off if you spend $20 on content that poses no challenge. If a studio did that with a triple A game the outcry would be monstrous. Just imagine they released the new Tomb Raider in a way that players can one-shot everything on the highest difficulty setting from the get-go and literally can't die except for when they're falling off cliffs. That game would get disastrous reviews and nobody who bought it would bother playing it. That's the way ESO's single player zones feel at the moment.
I understand that they want to keep the game accessible, and I'm sure the game is in a good spot difficulty-wise if my 75 year old dad would want to play it. But in my book, if you're balancing a single player game for the lowest skill audience, you have to find a way to scale the difficulty. If you don't, you'll just exclude the majority of players.
I don't imagine going to CP will offer anything different than we currently see with VR... they will most like have two scale settings... those below a certain CP will be scaled up and those with higher CP up to cap will retain their existing stats.
This change would also open up the possibility of adjustable difficulty. Currently players are scaled up to V15 (afaik) in Orsinium. Here difficulty could translate to how far you are scaled up, with increasing the game's difficulty meaning you are scaled up less. So a player playing on a difficulty setting higher than normal, will enter the zone at a lower level than the zone's level. Playing on higher difficulty could be rewarded with higher drop rates or faster experience gain, but most importantly that option would allow players to set it so that they enjoy playing as much as possible.
Name ANY MMO that offers "difficulty settings" for individual players? You can't, because there is NONE and there are reasons for it. It is one thing to battle level EVERYONE below a level to the same level and allow those above that level to retain their higher level, but impossible in an MMO to have variable difficulties among a large group of players.
Also, going back and recoding older content is not as easy as people make it sound, DCUO tried to do this type of scaling with their older content and it discovered it was impossible without major rework, so they switched it back to where it was originally. Coding new content is one thing, recoding older content is another and would involve a lot of effort that I think the majority of players would rather they spend time putting into new content; it isn't like ESO has a huge team of developers like they did during the initial game development.
Further, not everyone wants every bit of content to be scaled... players like myself who have never gone through Cadwell's Silver or Gold want to experience it with the ability to be a bit OP. Funny that it seems most of the players asking for older content to be scaled are not NEW players, but high level players who want to go back to older content... for what I don't know since they've already done the quests. MMOs have always been about progression not about continuing to run older content, and I think ESO's plan to make future content scale is a good idea, but forcing older content to scale and thus ruining game experience for newer players is NOT a good idea. If a player wants to be OP, then their ONLY opportunities for that are in the existing 'leveling' zones including Cadwell's Silver and Gold.
The real question to me is once the do away with VR levels, will difficulty scale to your CP level instead? Will mobs have a CP level? I really hope this is the case because currently I'm two-shotting regular mobs in Orsinium. The content trivial. There's no challenge whatsoever.
Haha, yeah, I was afraid of that. I am playing it with my low-level 17 character at the moment. It's great fun. Every mob fight is a challenge and requires concentration, and I even died a few times. That's how a single player game should play.
They really need to either disable CPs inside these single player zones or add a difficulty slider as suggested above. It feels like a huge rip-off if you spend $20 on content that poses no challenge. If a studio did that with a triple A game the outcry would be monstrous. Just imagine they released the new Tomb Raider in a way that players can one-shot everything on the highest difficulty setting from the get-go and literally can't die except for when they're falling off cliffs. That game would get disastrous reviews and nobody who bought it would bother playing it. That's the way ESO's single player zones feel at the moment.
I understand that they want to keep the game accessible, and I'm sure the game is in a good spot difficulty-wise if my 75 year old dad would want to play it. But in my book, if you're balancing a single player game for the lowest skill audience, you have to find a way to scale the difficulty. If you don't, you'll just exclude the majority of players.
I doubt seriously the devs would consider adding difficulty sliders. It's just not something most players would want or even use so I can't see them spending the resources to implement it. In fact, technically a player can control their level of difficulty by using less quality gear, but that sort of defeats the purpose of progression.
Justice31st wrote: »My main v16 is also a full crafter so I need these old zones to get the specific leveled materials.
Justice31st wrote: »My main v16 is also a full crafter so I need these old zones to get the specific leveled materials.
Are you refering to the scaling of the mats to the crafting skill level in Orsinium?
Justice31st wrote: »Justice31st wrote: »My main v16 is also a full crafter so I need these old zones to get the specific leveled materials.
Are you refering to the scaling of the mats to the crafting skill level in Orsinium?
Justice31st wrote: »Justice31st wrote: »My main v16 is also a full crafter so I need these old zones to get the specific leveled materials.
Are you refering to the scaling of the mats to the crafting skill level in Orsinium?