TotterTates wrote: »@Seiffer any chance you know the answer to this one?
I received a golden ring.. forget which one off hand but it was for a stamina set.
I think 2 -3 days ago. I play on console so it's possible it has not been patched yet.
TBH, is this really bad? You're a respected ESO player/youtuber, so you have to know those sets are not BiS? I fail to see the issue. A guaranteed Maelstrom Item is MUCH better. Can't wait til console gets it.
I'd prefer the (chance at) golden jewelry over guarenteed maelstrom weapons from weekly simply because if I truly need a maelstrom weapon I'd be doing (atleast) a bunch of runs and take my chances with the final chest each time. Relying on weekly to just happen to get the right weapon with the right trait isn't very efficient and if people really want a certain weapon they should be doing Maelstrom more, not get this 100% chance at some maelstrom weapon. In fact, I'd prefer to have an increased chance at jewelry over anything else, weapons or armor.
Maybe they'll make it so that both Maelstrom weapons and a golden set piece drop? As they're all BoP anyway it'd be a slap in the face for anyone wanting the gold jewelry sets...
Maybe they'll make it so that both Maelstrom weapons and a golden set piece drop? As they're all BoP anyway it'd be a slap in the face for anyone wanting the gold jewelry sets...
Well, it'd be nice with Maelstrom weapons and golden jewelry, spare the armor that you can simply upgrade (which did comprise and dilute a lot of the previous loot table). As for Maelstrom weapons, as much as I still need them, I can see myself completing what I personally need within the next week or two, and I've only run it 7 times to date (6 weekly rewards), and then I'd just prefer jewelry to drop!
Maybe they'll make it so that both Maelstrom weapons and a golden set piece drop? As they're all BoP anyway it'd be a slap in the face for anyone wanting the gold jewelry sets...
Well, it'd be nice with Maelstrom weapons and golden jewelry, spare the armor that you can simply upgrade (which did comprise and dilute a lot of the previous loot table). As for Maelstrom weapons, as much as I still need them, I can see myself completing what I personally need within the next week or two, and I've only run it 7 times to date (6 weekly rewards), and then I'd just prefer jewelry to drop!
Yeah Maelstrom Jewelry really needs to drop from the weekly rewards. I've already gotten several of almost all weapons, duplicates of the same trait on the same weapon. I haven't even completed a single set of jewelry in any set other than Hunt Leader and that is with 1 Robust, 1 Arcane, and 1 Healthy which is hardly optimal.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »So I have not had a single friend get a piece of jewelry(amulet/rings) from the last reward for leader boards......does this mean we no longer get legendary amulets or rings now that weapons are a 100% drop?
That's correct. When we made the change to allow weapons to drop 100% of the time, we removed the chance for gold jewelry to drop (apologies for missing that detail in the patch notes). That said, we will be reintroducing a way to earn gold jewelry in the Thieves Guild DLC so you will still be able to earn it in a different way.