Hey all,
So after doing every single daily on 2 toons since orsinium started I've made some very troubling discoveries. I'm gona make this short and simple to read.
So far I've had 22*7*2 tries on dailies which makes 308 attempts as of today.
1) roughly 60% of drops are Decon fodder.
Decon fodder = v15 sets + random junk
2) around 20% are trinimacs
3)15% pariahs
4) 5% briar
Yes out of 308 tries only around 15 briar pieces. Out of which only 1 was infused pants and 1 divines gloves and 1 robust ring. Rest were reinforced, arcane, well fitted junk. So we have (3/308)* 100 = .97% usable pieces for briar out of 308.
Now maybe I have bad rng or my sample size isn't big enough but come on... 308 is a reasonable number. I have found a full set of pariah and trinimacs with perfect rolls. I noticed the same trend with bloody claw drops and ring of agility drops in IC. Why are stamina drops so weighted against?
Also gear seems to be weighted towards reinforced and well fitted. I can't be sure of the exact percentages yet but I will continue doing dailies for the next month or so and will update later with more comprehensive numbers. Also good luck casuals who can only do 3 dailies a day. Your going to take a year to find briars and by then new dlc will be out and the grind restarts lol.
(2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
(2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
(2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
(1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
CP: 610 and counting
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz