Most MMO’s have a problem with player burn out and or boredom. New content is often added in to combat this issue but as with all new content it is devoured up and often rather quickly and once that content is beaten you are back to problem A… player burn out and or boredom! Oh and I guess you could add in another category of players as well… players who are beyond frustrated with the RNG gods! In most cases, from my own experience over years of gaming as well as reading others experiences those players will often quit playing and move onto something else… usually leaving behind a much smaller but dedicated player base until those players get tired of a declining player base and they in turn quit themselves.
The above has lead me to firmly form my own opinion that successful MMO’s (ESO) need the little things that I like to call “Gap Fillers”. These are the things that you can do when you are tired of raiding the same dungeon over and over or doing the same thing in PvP every night. ESO already has some of those “Gap Fillers”, Treasure hunting (cool idea), Achievements (cool idea), Crafting (meh.. could be better) and Fishing. What I would like ZOS to do is expand upon their current “Gap Fillers” and maybe add in some new ones.
1. Treasure Hunting – I think this is fine in its current state. Per
@robkrush - You should have the chance to find a costume in the treasure chest you did up!!
2. Achievements - I think this is fine in its current state.
3. Crafting – To me crafting in this game is rather bland. It’s fine for what is needed but nothing really engaging… just time consuming. I don’t really have any ground breaking ideas for improvements here other than maybe adding in the ability to craft rings and necklaces and maybe add in some new recipes. Ohh and maybe add in an engineering crafting line (not sure how this would fit in lore wise but we already see a lot of mechanical stuff in game already).
4. Fishing – Fishing is a really good “Gap Filler” but in its current state can be a little boring. ZOS was on the right track with the fishing achievements and making it the only place to get Perfect Roe but they need to expand on this. First off, the wet gunny sacks need more than just junk (about 99% of the stuff I get in the gunny sacks is instantly destroyed). They should have the chance to contain scrolls/torn pages that lead to rare quest for rare loot (like a rare mount!!), we should also be able to fish up some rare pets like a mini mudcrab, large python or baby crocodile.
Edit - I thought of something else - ESO could have weekly fishing tournaments with leaderboards(prizes given out at the end of the week just like pvp/pve). Top 50 for most fish caught, top 50 for most rare fish caught and if they ever add is fish sizes.. a top 50 for biggest fish caught.
Plus Provisioners could craft bait for fishing (IE - Blue bait that can be used in any body of water, purple bait that can be used in any body of water plus gives +10% chance to luck!).
6. Horse (mount) racing – This would be something new but a cool thing to do in the down time. Just head to the local underground horse track, pay an entrance fee and race against other players for cool prizes and or gold. Of course this would have to be done with standard horses as it would be no fun for a lev 10 to race against a maxed out vet 16. You could also have monthly tournaments to compete in as well!!
6. Underground fight club – Tired of the daily grind.. well just head to the underground pub and down a couple of pints (you know… to gather a little liquor courage

) and enter into a bare knuckled contest where the winner gets the spoils!!
7. Various card games – Not exactly sure how this would fit in but I think it would be cool to go to a pub and play something like blackjack or poker (or something ESO lore equivalent). This is just something extra to do alone or with friends when no one wants to do the daily grind of PVE or PVP or just a quick time filler while waiting for people to log in. I also understand that gambling in game could be a touchy subject so instead of playing for gold you play for tickets or poker chips that can be traded into an NPC for a various selection of goodies.. of course you would also have to spend a little of your hard earned gold just to get started.
Anyways this is what I have for now, any thoughts and or discussion about this is welcomed!! Oh and if you have any other ideas by all means please add them.