My templar is in full purple vr16. 4 pc elf bane, 5 pc julianos, 3pc willpower, apprentice stone. Spell power: 2239
My nightblade is in full vr16 stamina gear. Weapon and chest are gold, the rest purple. 3pc sentry, 5pc hundings rage, 3pc agility. Warrior stone. Weapon damage: 2669.
Why is the weapon damage on my nb so much higher than the spell damage of my templar?
I do admit, my templar only has 2pc divines gear and purple swords, while my nb has gold maul and 4-5 divines, but it shouldn't give almost 400 more weapon damage.
Elf bane has 2 spell damage buffs. Sentry only has 1 wpn damage buff.
Is it the medium armour 12% bonus?
Can somebody explain?
Edited by mr_wazzabi on November 25, 2015 12:57PM Bosmer Stamina NB
Altmer Magicka TEMP
Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
Altmer Magicka NB
Breton Magicka Sorc
Redguard Stam Sorc
Max CP