Yes please @ZOS_RichLambert
In addition, the new targeting logic does not function in the same way that the old targeting logic did. It does't "lock" your projectiles (like overload) nearly as well and ill often hit monsters in the way that I do not have targeted instead of the one I do behind him. This is frustrating in content like the Stages 4, 5 and 6 where targeting specific mobs is of utmost importance and you end up fighting your user interface more than the content you are playing.
I guess the purpose is to make ppl still aim despite of the target lock. Projectiles do hit your locked target with one exception - when you directly aim into another enemy. That's fine by me.
It's less fine by me. If I lock onto something I want to hit IT AND ONLY IT, not the thousand mobs between me and it. The hell is the point of locking on if it doesn't do that?
Totally agree with Jura. It was always like that, even when you have something locked in this soft lock mechanic you would hit something inbetween when an enemy stands between you and the target. Eso has a different combat mechanic and no hard lock like the majority of other games and I like that.
Yep. In PvE, it's really non issue. Simply if ppl can't hit their target, they need to position themselves better. There is no way the projectile should fly through 5 mobs to hit the one they "want" just because.
The problem is ball groups in PvP though. There is no counter through that. But it still doesn't make target lock bad. That issue shouldn't be "fixed" by changing target lock.