Returned player currently playing as a VR3 Stam DK running a mix of Ashen's and Night sets with a 2H Axe.
Some reasons i like this game
The indepth crafting system, the environment is engaging and nice to look at, the quests are well thought out and i enjoy doing them and the guild/AH system has grown on me.
-However the combat system is another story. Let me start this by saying that I play the game with a ping of around 300 being from Australia.
Trying to engage mobs with this ping and having frequent desyncs mid battle makes for a rather funny looking fight. Quite often I'll have a mob be in front of me in one frame and then behind me casting their ulti the next, and then the inevitable happens and I am looking at my death log wondering were those 5 or 6 hits came from. If the game didn't suffer from constant desync issues i could quite happily play with a steady ping of 300.
-Animation cancelling is great because my DPS has improved, but my character looks utterly stupid doing it, this takes the immersion of flowing combat away.
- When I hit an NPC it needs to feel like I buried my axe in its head, it needs to feel meaty! and it just doesn't. I think it comes back to actual amount of damage I hand out and possibly the sound effect for the related action.
Thinking about it my character feels gimped power wise, like i'm fighting with one hand around my back most of the time. I was able to rid the world of Molag Bal and save Kings from their demise.... but that three pack of Bandits.... you better watch yourself or they will mess you up!
Perhaps NPC's should be a means to an end, to be a minor roadbloack between myself and the quest objective, not for every battle to be an epic struggle of life and death. I find myself actively avoiding combat sometimes.
Upon saying the above NPC's like quest bosses, world bosses, rare's etc shouldnt be at all easy to kill, I am just talking about general NPC's. It's a fantasy game after all and I'd like to feel a little bit powerful occasionaly, maybe queue up few mobs and take them down, but at the moment it is a rinse and repeat 1-2 or 3 pack kill.... it never changes.
-Please ZOS give me a bar for my pots, so i can hit a key and get the correct pot instead of half hitting Q during combat and drinking the wrong thing. I understand the console playerbase .... but I don't care, I have a keyboard, let me use it.