@zos please please please do something with gold keys. Relying on rng for that piece you really want is God awful. There are 10 monster shoulders that can possibly drop? So even assuming that was the only thing gold chest dropped you would have a 1/10 chance of seeing the one you are interested in, which wouldn't be bad if each piece truly had a perfectly even chance to drop. However, the rng favors certain pieces. Let alone weight or trait. Sure zos said they increased drop rates, which it seems they did, shoulders drop more often. But does it really benefit us if the only ones you get are useless garbage? What good does a bunch of Lord wardens, mephalas, a few engine guardians, or a bunch of nightflame shoulders do me if I have no interest in any of them? Sure I got a molag kena shoulder, which I'm saving in case I want to use it later, but after months and months of doing to pledges nearly every day ( I miss the pledges once or twice a week) not once have I even seen the shoulder I'm interested in, let alone a bad trait or weight. The horrendous reliance of rng in this game is sacking the desire to keep playing. Seriously. Can we use keys to just buy the shoulder we want? Some light at the end of the tunnel would be nice, with no idea if running pledges every day on two v16 toon's with no idea if I'll get the desired shoulder even in a bad weight in two days or another 5 months, I'm reminded of the definition of insanity I was once told, "doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."