My Dunmer has almost normal human skin tone at stage 4, however the thing I'm irritated about is by beautiful black body-paint has also turned a bright white with my skin
My first char is a Breton Stam Vamp, so I chose pretty poorly with that oneI thought the Breton magic resist would actually be a good amount to counter some of the weakness to fire, but it's so minimal that it's kinda lame. I actually mainly use Vamp on my Dunmer for Elusive Mist as a much-needed escape for DK, and for Undeath to synergise with GDB.
My first char is a Breton Stam Vamp, so I chose pretty poorly with that oneI thought the Breton magic resist would actually be a good amount to counter some of the weakness to fire, but it's so minimal that it's kinda lame. I actually mainly use Vamp on my Dunmer for Elusive Mist as a much-needed escape for DK, and for Undeath to synergise with GDB.
I didn't even think ahead about what a Redguard would give me in terms of flame resistance to be honest, I just thought anything would have to be better than trying out vampirism on one of my Altmer - I tried that in Oblivion and it's scarred me forever, regardless of changed passives.
Natural weakness to flame + vampiric weakness to flame = you could have lit a candle and I'd turn to ash