This is just an example and these are not calculated numbers.
I changed the title to something more appealing.I assume this is only in Cyro then? Player bounties would be interesting in this manner, so I'll wait and see what the actual PvPers think
I think you're on to something here. But I'm not totally clear on it. So what would prevent people running together but ungrouped in an attempt at the big payoff rather than share the bounty? Might that become an issue?
I think you're on to something here. But I'm not totally clear on it. So what would prevent people running together but ungrouped in an attempt at the big payoff rather than share the bounty? Might that become an issue?
The group that gets the kill gets the bounty, every other contender just receives AP based on the % of damage dealt.
I think you're on to something here. But I'm not totally clear on it. So what would prevent people running together but ungrouped in an attempt at the big payoff rather than share the bounty? Might that become an issue?
The group that gets the kill gets the bounty, every other contender just receives AP based on the % of damage dealt.
not fair for tanks and healers
Perfect, a bigger arrow on top of my head that lures the pugs into the choke-point.
As having a high bounty would be very desirable for larger groups, I don't see why this would discourage stacking.
C0pp3rhead wrote: »@MrDerrikk Tank isn't really a viable role in PvP, especially in large groups, due to taunts not working on players. Going all out on defense basically makes you a sitting target because your damage output is negligible.
In response to this thread @xii-santa: Do you even zerg, brah?
A large group (a.k.a. zergball) is a much more efficient killing machine than a small group. Hypothetical situation: a 4-person group and a 24-person raid attack a keep. More often than not, the raid will tag and kill more people than the small group with fewer deaths as a percentage of their size. In other words, more kills and fewer deaths per capita. Even though each member of the raid gets less AP per kill, the sheer volume of people that a raid can tear through will make the raid more profitable in terms of AP. Plus, small groups wipe more often than large groups when engaged in large-scale battles, hence their travel (non-combat) times will be longer, i.e. they will be missing out on collecting bounties. And yes, many of these small groups will be participating in large scale battles because of the AP associated with taking/defending keeps.
Moreover, if players accrue bounties through kill streaks, the bounties will probably stay rather small. Aside from the occasional lone stealthy ganker, the vast majority of players will accrue a small bounty then die. Even raids wipe several times per night.
In sum, because of more kills and fewer deaths per capita, the average member of a large group will have a bigger bounty than a member of a small group. Hence, zergballs become a more attractive target. Unfortunately, the only way to kill a zergball is with an opposing zergball. Increasing potential AP gains will only increase the attractiveness of playing with large groups that are already oriented towards maximizing AP gains.
C0pp3rhead wrote: »It's not the large groups of players, per se. I remember once my 24-person raid got close to another 24-person raid, and just as we engaged in combat probably 80% of the members of both groups suffered DC's/crashes. Besides they promised us action on this scale, but failed to deliver.
In order to really capitalize on this idea, however, you would have to incentivize such a system. That is to say, you would have to implement some sort of tracking/advertising bounty system to reward players who engage in bounty hunting.