I made a plethora of threads bashing certain systems and such but it doesn't mean I think ESO is doing terrible.
The game is only 18 months old. It is still very young.
And I think, perhaps hypocritically, that sometimes we can be a bit harsh. So I made this thread to say I am going to be a bit patient, and maybe suggest some patience is what we all need.
ESO launch date: April 2014
And all these threads say the game is dead. My friends, lets give it some time. Give it some time.
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!
You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
I for one won't resub until:
1.) You fix lag.
2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]