By the time this would happen there would be twelve players left total. All of the other players will have left due to the lack of 'good content.' How those remaining twelve players will be paying will not matter.
By the time this would happen there would be twelve players left total. All of the other players will have left due to the lack of 'good content.' How those remaining twelve players will be paying will not matter.
Maybe original players, but newer players lured in by the frequent expansions will enjoy it. I'll probably still be there as I'm on ESO+ and don't have to worry about being forced into the DLC too much.
By the time this would happen there would be twelve players left total. All of the other players will have left due to the lack of 'good content.' How those remaining twelve players will be paying will not matter.
Maybe original players, but newer players lured in by the frequent expansions will enjoy it. I'll probably still be there as I'm on ESO+ and don't have to worry about being forced into the DLC too much.
If they either have to pay for 12 DLCs or sub, there won't be any new players. ESO went B2P for a reason.
No, each DLC will become free (i.e. included in the box price for new players) after a year or so, just as every other MMO does, and for good reasons.
I'm not sure why anyone in their right mind would think the only choices being "paying through the nose just to keep up with all the new content, or be forced to sub" is a viable business model.
iamnotweakrwb17_ESO wrote: »When the peny drops that character appearance changes / additions is the biggest money maker for Zenimax, they'll stop hiding gear behind paywalls.
By the time this would happen there would be twelve players left total. All of the other players will have left due to the lack of 'good content.' How those remaining twelve players will be paying will not matter.
stewart.leslie76b16_ESO wrote: »This is what I think, I have no/little evidence to back me up. Do not take my word as gospel. I think i read somewhere that ZOS were doing a cycle on their DLCs, Craglorn (not a DLC as such, but not part of the original game) was group, IC was PvP, and Orc land solo able PvE, so depending on what the focus of the next DLC will give us players and idea what to expect in the short to medium future.
I'm hoping that the next DLC is a free one, I don't think that doing 4 DLCs a year through the crown store is a good idea. When new players arrive, opening the crown store and seeing a massive list of DLCs is going to be off putting. I'm hoping that the Next DLC is not a group one like Craglorn because that would indicate they are following a cycle. I'm hoping that the next is a small but free one, a kind of carrot on the stick to show non-subscribers and those which have not brought the DLCs an idea in what they are missing. I'm in 2 minds that Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild should be free or crown. I think the guilds and skill lines should be free, but the story/quests telling why they are now entering the fray should be a payable DLC zone. Although with the justice system in play as it is, there is reason to make the thieves guild and their story free.
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »If you get ESO+ then you get all DLCs. What's the issue?
stewart.leslie76b16_ESO wrote: »This is what I think, I have no/little evidence to back me up. Do not take my word as gospel. I think i read somewhere that ZOS were doing a cycle on their DLCs, Craglorn (not a DLC as such, but not part of the original game) was group, IC was PvP, and Orc land solo able PvE, so depending on what the focus of the next DLC will give us players and idea what to expect in the short to medium future.
I'm hoping that the next DLC is a free one, I don't think that doing 4 DLCs a year through the crown store is a good idea. When new players arrive, opening the crown store and seeing a massive list of DLCs is going to be off putting. I'm hoping that the Next DLC is not a group one like Craglorn because that would indicate they are following a cycle. I'm hoping that the next is a small but free one, a kind of carrot on the stick to show non-subscribers and those which have not brought the DLCs an idea in what they are missing. I'm in 2 minds that Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild should be free or crown. I think the guilds and skill lines should be free, but the story/quests telling why they are now entering the fray should be a payable DLC zone. Although with the justice system in play as it is, there is reason to make the thieves guild and their story free.
Just the way things are in this day & age, whether MMO or single player games. Look at all the games with season passes now, leading to a common complaint about lack of content in original releases. GW2 recently had their first expansion, it was not free & that game is over 3 years old with a cash shop.
Subbing to this game is probably the wisest option, because of currency conversion, meaning the dlc is going to cost some players way more than $30 through the crown store, depending on where they live in the world (subbing on a monthly basis is cheaper than purchasing the dlc through the store).
I'm actually a subber myself, but I'm making this post because of the things i mentioned; the fact that the only way to collect VR16 mats yourself is through DLC's and that more and more gear is BoP, where even IC had some sets that people new to the game or just not interested could have access to.
As an example, I bought the Ultimate edition of Dragon Age Origins, and each expansion in that has at least 1-2 legendary class items that are very easy to get in the questline and leave you thinking it's a cash grab scheme to almost force you to buy the DLC for the item.
I'm not saying ESO is that bad, but there are a lot of design choices made with these recent expansions that almost force players who would normally have not much to zero interest in the DLC (solo PvE players and IC, pure PvP players and Orsinium) buy it anyway (or sub) because of how much they would be left behind with it.
Therefore it's not strictly P2W, but as many other posters have mentioned it's skirting the border, so it can afford to be less P2W.
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »
It's BOP because that content is from the expansion. If you don't have the expansion, you can't get it. If otherwise, what would the reason for buying the expansion be when you can lurk Traders for gear? At least people without the DLC still have access to the mats (of course at a gouged rate), but at least it's there. I don't see how ZOS is limping players by having a prerequisite expansion, it's more like the player is limping themselves. It isn't P2W in any way shape or form. It's pay for the new content they're providing you. They're contributing new content, you're contributing money to fund it. If anything it's P2PNS, or Pay To Play New ***. If they're not interested in the new content, what are you paying to win at? PVP where it's battle leveled? New dungeons that they don't have access to? They have to pay people to come up with the content right? I wonder how that happens?
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »
It's BOP because that content is from the expansion. If you don't have the expansion, you can't get it. If otherwise, what would the reason for buying the expansion be when you can lurk Traders for gear? At least people without the DLC still have access to the mats (of course at a gouged rate), but at least it's there. I don't see how ZOS is limping players by having a prerequisite expansion, it's more like the player is limping themselves. It isn't P2W in any way shape or form. It's pay for the new content they're providing you. They're contributing new content, you're contributing money to fund it. If anything it's P2PNS, or Pay To Play New ***. If they're not interested in the new content, what are you paying to win at? PVP where it's battle leveled? New dungeons that they don't have access to? They have to pay people to come up with the content right? I wonder how that happens?
Some gear, such as the Molag Kena monster set (I'm not suggesting it should not be BoP) are only accessible via DLC, and are a staple of almost all DPS builds nowadays. At the same time, Skoria has been nerfed multiple times over and left the only other monster set that is interesting being Nerien'eth, which is only useful in certian situations because of the delay. The new IC dungeon sets are very useful for most builds and are amoung the limited amount of VR16 sets attainable, and in Orsinium is the only way to farm VR16 mats without TV stones (yet again in a DLC).
Because they are only really updating sets + content through DLC's, the only way to have a reasonably powerful end-game char is to a). buy the DLC, b). subscribe, or c). pay millions for the necessary mats to craft some VR16 gear from the limited amount of crafted gear sets available.
Hatoreehanzo wrote: »I still don't see the issue. They're releasing new content (gear), that you want, without paying for the access to it. How is that unreasonable that you're required to not only get the DLC, but put in the work to get it yourself.
The drop rate chances are a whole different issue that I'd most likely agree upon, but this P2W rant I cannot.
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »Its no different than Halo, call of duty and other games' map packs that are released quarterly. Players who want to play the game will continue to pay, players who don't or are on the fringe of their budget will either continue and delay buying the DLC or will quit.