Hello. This is my first journey into the forums and I'm pretty sure this forum will be like most. Lots of trolls looking for a fight...any fight...as long as they can be cruel to someone else, nice people who actually like to talk like human beings, and the lurker who occasionally comes out of hiding to poke around the electronic forum world.
I have read the occasional post. And watched the occasional video. I've seen a few people who blame everyone else for their wipes...never themselves. I've seen videos that were creatively edited to show what they were wanting to show and never mentioning the things they didn't. I've seen people who have nothing else better to do that sit on the forums and be a forum warrior professing their knowledge of EVERYTHING and while their understanding of NOTHING shines through.
So hello. I do hope I find you all a bit above my expectations for courtesy and general thought sharing without trying to destroy another human being.