Ice Staves for the Worthy!

Yeah, if I could stop receiving staves as rewards on my stam builds, that'd be just great thanks. Is there any chance the randomness could be more favoured towards something you can use?
Not hugely important, just throwing it out there.
  • dsalter
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Yeah, if I could stop receiving staves as rewards on my stam builds, that'd be just great thanks. Is there any chance the randomness could be more favoured towards something you can use?
    Not hugely important, just throwing it out there.

    but this is Elder Staffs Online :(
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • JD2013
    RNG. Working as intended :wink:
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Luigi_Vampa
    What, not a fan of your ice staff of agility? Some people... :wink:
    PC/EU DC
  • Flaminir
    Typhoios wrote: »
    What, not a fan of your ice staff of agility? Some people... :wink:

    I know....

    I get a willpower defending bow & I'm all like WHOOHOOO... check out my new special snowflake build! ;)
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Morozov
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Yeah, if I could stop receiving staves as rewards on my stam builds, that'd be just great thanks. Is there any chance the randomness could be more favoured towards something you can use?
    Not hugely important, just throwing it out there.

    I read this whole thing in Lumberg's voice
    PC - NA - AZ
    Vr 16: Morozov - DK
    Vr 1: Zephyr Grimm - Sorc
    Vr 5: Sad_Bunnie - Templar
    23: Repressed-Canadian-Rage - NB
    Voted "Most likely to squirrel off the crown" PC-NA
  • Vyle_Byte
    Morozov wrote: »

    I read this whole thing in Lumberg's voice

    LOL Me too!
    Edited by Vyle_Byte on November 19, 2015 2:34PM
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
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